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Third person p.o.v:

"What wrong with him?" Taehyung mumbled to himself, glancing at the Jimin who stared giggling while looking at him phone, and moved away from him, to sit in a more comfortable position, he complained but Jimin gave glanced at him then hot back to looking at his phone, the cuddling session was over, it was short but nice.

"Why are you pouting Taetae?" Jungkook whispered softly, as he noticed the slight pout on Taehyung's face.

"Jimin doesn't want to cuddle anymore." Taehyung said sadly. Jungkook wanted to smile so bad and do a victory dance but he controlled himself, coughing slightly, he showed a sad pout, comforting Taehyung.

"It's okay Taetae, when we meet I will cuddle you until you get sick of it, I will cuddle you thiiiiis much." Jungkook opened his arms as wide as he could, showing a beautiful smile.

"Aww baby, I will never get sick of cuddling you, how can I get sick of you my cute bunny?" Taehyung chuckled, then panicked upon realizing what he said, and quickly tried to explain "I don't mean that, I mean you are a cute bunny, but you are not mine, I can't own a cute bunny like you."

"Why can't you? Is there something stopping you?" Jungkook titled his head not understanding, does this idiot still not understand? Jimin was right, he is an idiot.

"My sense, something is telling me not to, it's really weird, I feel like something is telling me not to, to not make you mine, I like you, I do so much but I feel like I should do something before making you mine, something important needs to be done before you can be mine, I don't know what it is but there is something." Taehyung said as he stared at Jungkook, he had this kind of feelings for the past few days that he knew the little, he feels something odd about the latter and he knows what it is and fix it if he can.

"Well I.....I don't know what you are talking about, because, because you maybe don't like me at all, so that's why you are saying this, how can you be mine in the first place, it's stupid I know, I was just thinking about me doing something wrong with you and you don't want to talk to me and I don't want you to talk to me anything you want me to do you want to talk to me and my friend you don't want to talk to me anymore and then I'm just going back because I'm going on the same page I just don't know how I feel sorry if I didn't have to take a shower I didn't know if there were a little bunny bunny I would....." Jungkook said the first words he can think of, he himself didn't understand what he was spouting, because he was full mode on panicking, that he accidentally hung on Taehyung.

Frick frack!!! He hung up!! Now what? He is so embarrassed, how could he panic like that? What if knows he is a mafia boss? What if Taehyung's creeped out? What if he made him hate like that? What if he leaves him?

Jungkook didn't realize he was crying until he felt tears dropping from his eyes, they just kept on falling, he couldn't stop them, he reached the point where he started sobbing, he sobbed hard, as he hugged himself and started shaking uncontrollably, whispering to himself that Taehyung hates him, Taehyung will leave him alone, he will end up alone again.

Jungkook hugged himself under the covers, feeling himself drown in the darkness, the darkness of being alone in a big house where no one will hear him or even help him, he could his sobs ring in his ears as his voice slammed the empty place and came back to him.

His phone kept ringing but he couldn't hear it he was far gone in the emptiness of his room.

Taehyung p.o.v:

I kept on calling Jungkook but no vail he wasn't picking up, I messaged him but he wasn't answering, I tried and tried but nothing, it made me so worried.

After 10 minutes, I couldn't stay still without doing anything, I decided to go to Jungkook, I know where is his house, I can thank my memory because once I visit a place I always remember the way to it.

Third person p.o.v:

"Jimin!! I am going out!!" Taehyung shouted to Jimin who was in the bathroom, as he wore his clothes and put on his shoes, going to the front door.

"Where are you going in this hour you alien?" Jimin shouted as he looked at the clock which showed that the time was 11 p.m.

"Somewhere!!! Don't wait for me, eat dinner and sleep!!! Bye!!" Taehyung shouted as he left the house.

"I swear he will be the reason I lose my hair, this idiot!" Jimin scratched his hair, sighing loudly.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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