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Third person p.o.v:

Taehyung waited for ten minutes until a taxi came, Taehyung stopped it, opened the driver door, told the driver to move and sit it the passengers sit.

"What the freak are you saying man?" The taxi driver was weirded out, was this person crazy?

"It's an emergency, please just sit there and I promise I will pay you." Taehyung said and pushed the driver to the other seat and got in, starting the car.

"I did not agree yet!!!" The driver shouted but Taehyung was already driving.

"It's really important, I am really sorry I am not good at showing directions I just know the directions and unfortunately I can't show it to you so just hold on." Taehyung speed up the car, then he turned right.

"Okay I understand but can you slow down! Are you planning to fly?!?" The driver was terrified, even him himself never went that fast, and he is known for his speed!!

"No not really, not yet, but maybe one day." Taehyung chuckled as he looked like a crazy person in the driver's eyes.

"Oh my god, you're worst than my son, do all young people do drugs now? What a scary world." The driver was horrified, young people this days, when he was young he was afraid of his elders but now it seems like it's the opposite elders are afraid of youngsters.

"I suggest you put the seatbelt on, I am going to speed up a bit." Taehyung said as he went faster, doing a sharp turn.

"Are you out of your mind?!? Do you even have one? God protect me from this crazy person." The taxi driver prayed as whole life started flashing in his eyes.

After 15 minutes, Taehyung finally reached Jungkook's place, and the taxi driver could finally breath easily, he almost had a heart attack.

"Thank you sir, here you go, I don't know if it's enough but I hope it is." Taehyung gave the money to the taxi driver, the latter just told him to leave and never come back again, as he kicked him out of the car and flew out of the place.

Taehyung just shrugged and went to the house but the bodyguards stooped him, telling him he has no right to get in the house and that he better leave before they deal with him.

Taehyung didn't agree at first but after getting punched for a couple of times, he left the place, if there is a front door then there must be a back one and if there isn't he will jump across the wall.

Taehyung circled around the house but he didn't find any other door so he decided to go away from the guards and find a place to jump in the house.

When he found a good place to climb from as a tree was there and that would help but the bad thing is he was a little bit afraid to go up.

"Taehyung, Jungkook needs you, hou have to go don't be a coward, but maybe he just went to sleep? Maybe he was fine and he doesn't need me? But there is a possibility that he is there alone? And maybe he is crying and feeling lonely, man up Taehyung you can do this." After finishing his monologue, Taehyung quickly climbed the tree and jumped to the house, now he has to look for Jungkook's room, where was it again?

Taehyung wondered around for half an hour until he finally found a familiar path and then a familiar room, that a crying voice is coming from it, which made him rush to the said room.

Taehyung opened the door slowly and quietly, and the crying person who is under his blankets didn't seem to notice as he was busy crying.

Taehyung approached the bed and sat at the edge of the bed, trying to take the covers off.

Founding out someone was trying to take the covers off, Jungkook thought it was someone who is trying to harm him so he almost took the gun he kept under the pillow, but then he heard his voice, Taehyung's voice.

"Kookie....kookie baby." Taehyung whispered softly, and Jungkook who stopped crying a minute ago, started crying again, more loudly now, shaking as well.

"Go away!!" Jungkook shouted as he shook Taehyung off, and held his blanket stronger.

"Baby please look at me, did I do something? I am sorry baby please talk to be, kookie, look at me baby, I need you bunny, please bun bun, just please." Taehyung was saying anything to just convince the little to talk but the latter wasn't saying anything, just kept on crying until Taehyung started calling him multiple nicknames making his little self show up, plus the crying and pression he is on, as he wanted to be comforted by Taehyung, his caregiver.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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