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Sorry for being a little late.

Third person p.o.v:

Taehyung held his baby's hand in his, scrolling around the zoo, stopping every now and then to look at the different kind of animals.

"Taetae! Monkey! Taetae! Elephant! Taetae! Giraffe." Jungkook pointed at the animals then looked at Taehyung.

"I can see them too baby kookie, no need to scream." Taehyung glanced at the people staring at them. "People are looking baby, let's go somewhere else." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook.

Jungkook pouted but followed Taehyung anyway, since he doesn't like the weird looks those people, didn't their parents teach them that staring is rude?

"Kookie baby, are you hungry? Because I am, and I want a pizza, like the one we had on our first meeting." Taehyung said, remembering the events of that night.

"Kookie is hungry too, but kookie wants burgers." Jungkook excitedly said, imagining himself eating a delicious yummy burger.

"Let's get burgers then, they probably have a place to sell burgers. But we will get pizzas afterwards in the same restaurant, deal baby?"

"Deal Taetae." Jungkook nodded cheerfully, jumping up and down, then starting to run away from Taehyung.

"Wait! Don't run, you will get hurt." Taehyung ran after Jungkook, while the latter giggled loudly, looking behind him to see Taehyung once in awhile. The caregiver could easily catch up to the little, but seeing his baby having so much fun, he didn't use his full speed.

Suddenly, the little bumped into someone, making him fall backwards, his eyes got teary feeling his forehead and nose hurt so badly, and Taehyung rushed to his side.

"See what I told you! I am sorry sir. Let me see, where does it hurt?" Taehyung crouched down, checking on Jungkook, who started crying as soon as he saw his caregiver.

"It's okay, watch him next time, you never know what might happen to him if you close your eyes for a second." The man said, then left the two, with a smirk on his face, this is interesting.

Taehyung didn't listen to the man talking, his full attention was on Jungkook, and try to make him stop crying.

"Shh baby, it's okay it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt." Taehyung kissed Jungkook's face, and blew on it. "Pain pain, go away, go away with the wind and never come back." (I made up the last part, so can someone tell me what they really say?) Taehyung softly caressed Jungkook's face. "Better?"

"Hm." Jungkook sniffed.

"How about we get ice cream? Will that make you feel better?" Taehyung coaxed Jungkook, to make him a bit more delightful.

"Yes! Let's go!" Jungkook got up immediately and made Taehyung stand up.

"Don't run! The ice cream won't run away, I can guarantee you that, so let's just walk, okay?" Taehyung stopped Jungkook from running by hold his hand tightly and not letting go.

"Okay." Jungkook pouted but accepted since when he ran the previous time, he got hurt, which is not nice, that man was so big, couldn't he be a little smaller, he end up falling and the man stared at him unimpressed and didn't even help him, what a meanie!

"Baby, do you think I should get Yeontan a tuxedo, I think he needs it." Taehyung said in a serious tone, while eating his vanilla flavored ice cream, surprising Jungkook with the question.

"Huh? Why?" Jungkook titled his head.

"Tell me first, blue or black?" Taehyung questioned the boy who was eating his ice cream messily.

"Blue, black is old, blue is better, but Taetae you didn't answer, why does tannie need tuxedo, is he getting married?" Jungkook said the last part in shock.

"Not him, someone else is."


"Someone you know well, and lives in the house you visited last night."

"But kookie only visited taetae house yesterday. Ahhh, ji, jimin, get married?" Jungkook almost dropped his ice cream.

"No not him, it's....."

Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence as a gun shot was heard, and a bullet passed by his ear.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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