42: new version

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Third person p.o.v:

Jungkook and Taehyung left the house, with Taehyung's stuff and Jimin's in hand, going to Jungkook's place.

"I need to tell you something." Jungkook said, while driving his car, glancing at Taehyung.

"Me too." Taehyung responded back.

"Then let's say it in the same time, on the count of three." Jungkook said and Taehyung agreed.




"I am a mafia boss!"

"I am a hitman!"

They both shouted at the same time, then looked at each other shocked.

"You are a what?"

"Same goes to you, aren't you a teacher?"

"Well being a hitman is just a side job, mostly for fun, but what about you? Being a mafia boss can't be considered a side job can't it?"

"It's not, it's my main job."

"So you kill people?"

"Not always, sometimes I assign people to do the dirty work for me, I mostly give orders."

"Wow, you are the big boss then."

"You could say so, do you still want to be with me after finding out about my work?" Jungkook asked nervously, remembering his dream, fearing that the same scenario will repeat itself in reality. "If you do want to leave me, I won't stop you, but you better do it before I get too attached to you, because if I do, I might become like those two psychos."

"I won't leave you, never, and I don't mind you turning psychos, because I can turn to one to, I will be the Joker and you be Harley Quinn." Taehyung winked at Jungkook.

"No that's a bad example, the Joker is not a good guy, but I can be the mafia boss and you be the mafia boss's caregiver. We can be our own psychos."

"Hmm, seems goods to me."

"Then want to be partners and psychos together?"

"I humbly accept your request my sweet princess." Taehyung kissed Jungkook's cheek.

"Thank you my Prince Charming."

"Anytime love, and by the way who are those two psychos you keep talking about."

And a car bumped from behind them, and Jungkook looked at the mirror then whispered: "Speak of the devil and he arrived."

"Who arrived?"

"John's right hand in crime, but he is easy to deal with, John probably didn't even tell him to fetch he is just doing it on his own."

"This John guys and his man are mafias like you" Taehyung muttered, glancing at the man in the sport car behind him.

"Yeah, but this one, Mike does the hacking and the computer stuff, he is not that well in fights, but he will do anything for his boss, and I mean anything."

"I don't want to ask but why?"

"He asked him that before, John told me after he saved Mike from his abusing parents, he became attached to him." Jungkook shrugged.

"Okay, I guess."

"Taetae, are you straight, gay or bisexual?"

"Gay?" Taehyung looked hesitant, because he never liked anyone before and he never questioned his sexuality and being straight was the normal thing so he thought he is, but turns out he is not, since he likes a boy, but that doesn't mean he is gay, maybe Jungkooksexual, kooksexual, kooksexuality? "I don't know really, what about you baby?"

"Kind of, I am bisexual."

"No you didn't, now I don't have to worry about only boys but girls too?"

"You don't have to, I only like you boyfie, you are the only one in my heart. And Mike isn't going to do something to hurt us, he will just take me to John."

"Well that's a relief. By the way, how many people did you date before me?"

"Maybe two or ten or thirty."

"Excuse you, tell me a real number."

"I am sorry, but I lost count after thirty okay?"

"Wow, and I am the one who thought you are an innocent bean."

"I am not, I am far more worst than that."

"I miss little Jungkook, he is so cute and adorable not like Mr Playboy."

"Oh really, you want to do this? Little Jungkook is a part of me, and is me. And I am going to get rid of him anyway."

"Nooooo, don't take away my baby, who will I take care of if you stopped being a little, that's not fair."

"Life is not fair, I thought we got that straight after our first date, didn't we?"

"Oh my god, you are so mean."

"I am not, you are, you prefer another persona of me and not the one in front of you, now tell me who is the real meanie here?"


"No, you."

"Let's say we are both mean, okay?"

"No, you are the only mean one here, live with it."

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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