{T R U S T}

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(Like  I stated, this is the next update! I hope that everyone is enjoying my chapters and what not, it makes me happy to see my work being read! Enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

The shower was very comforting against my (S/c) skin. With both the use of shampoo and soap, I was able to get rid of the dirt from my run up the mountain and ease my tangled hair to some extent. Sans didn't seem to care much for my messy appearance while we were locked up in his room... actually, he mostly spent his time cuddling up to me.

When I questioned him on the closer proximity, the skeleton only responded by mentioning something about scent. Did he want me to smell like him? I mean... I guess that I did kind of smell like ketchup before taking this shower. Hmm... maybe Frisk's book will have more information?

I am also a little scared to try running off with Frisk again, so I guess that I'll just stay here for now. Besides, Frisk wanted to bring me back to the surface, or sacrifice my Soul to release all Monsters... not that I would mind, but I doubt that Sans would approve of it.

Now going to the surface? That made my Soul painfully throb out of agony...

Turning off the hot water, I grabbed the towel and started to dry off my body. Both soaps that I used had a honey and lavender scent to it, very relaxing. Wasn't lavender used to calm people down? Did Sans specifically get this in an effort to lower my anxiety?

Stepping my feet onto a cream colored carpet, I was greeted by it's soft texture. My clothing was left on the sink in front of the mirror... and after wiping some of the fog from my reflection, I was able to get a clear look at my wounds. My back had it the worst, but the front side of my body wasn't exactly untouched either. This made me feel very self conscious.

Every time that Sans came close to my body, he made every effort to touch the scars. It was almost as if he was expecting for them to give up their reason for being there... or was he counting? Also, he made sure to pry at me for some kind of answer to them, but I wouldn't budge. This only caused him to grow more protective. His words were not easily forgotten after the fourth time that I refused to answer.

"Don't make me keep ya in here for the rest of your life, (Y/n). I need ta know so I can protect you!" 

But he wasn't expecting my response to sound so empty... or heartbroken. If anything, my words forced him to back off while also sending me a look of shock. My half lidded stare was filled with tears as I looked up to give him a content smile. It wasn't actually a display of happiness rather my willingness to keep him as far away from my pain as possible. I didn't want him to understand.

"It doesn't matter... I'm just happy that you're not involved, Sans. Frisk is safe, I'm not dead, and you haven't abandoned me yet..." The look of horror on his face was so evident. He wasn't smiling, or frowning. Sans didn't know how to respond to my kind or timid nature.

"I will never abandon you. You're my other half, my beautiful mate... I just... want ya ta be okay." He said with a somewhat broken voice. His hand reached up to brush his phalanges through my (H/c) hair, tangling around some of the knots that were being developed. Since he had me straddling him, I was feeling very flustered... he had me doing that a lot.

Snapping back to reality, I put the clothes on before turning to face the bathroom door. Unlocking it, I creaked the door open only to see Frisk's face peering through the crack. The cold air mixed with the hot temperature of steam, causing me to shiver slightly. It felt colder without Sans... "Frisky?"

They smiled at me before reaching past the opening to pull me into the hall. "I was so worried about you, cookie!"

They paused to once again inspect my clothing before shaking their head out of irritation. "You're wearing his clothes? We should probably get you into something else, huh?"

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