{F R A G I L E}

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(Alright- it seems that I once again didn't have the time for Stone Cold Pacifist today. So, I am going to leave you guys with another Fated chapter! Enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---


I yelped, stumbling off of the green couch that I was trying to read on. The door was instantly slammed into the wall, nearly falling off of its hinges from the impact. From my position, I tried to get up to move away from the heavy footsteps of triumph and power that approached me.

Getting a good look at the intruder, I saw a tall blue Monster that resembled a fish... her smile was wide and bared sharpened teeth that looked as though they'd shred me apart.

Two more footsteps.

There was barely any more distance between us...

And then, before she could come any closer, Sans appeared. He lazily walked between the both of us, seemingly coming out of nowhere. The tall Monster didn't really notice his random appearance and just brushed It off. "Undyne."

"Hey, Sans! So this is the punk that you were telling me about?!" Her voice boomed through the room. I made sure to try and stand up, but didn't hesitate to use Sans' body to hide from her. So... this was Undyne?

"S-Soul mates are so r-r-rare! It is a-amazing that you f-found y-yours!" A smaller yellow lizard proclaimed with a shy smile. I peaked past Sans to look at the smaller Monster, feeling somewhat at ease with her petite size. "O-oh... Undyne, I think y-you scared h-her..."

"Huh?" The fish replied while leaning forward to get a good look at me. Sans didn't move in the slightest and just continued to act like a wall. "Hey, yeah... maybe you're right, Al. Heh, sorry punk! Didn't mean to scare ya!"

Slowly, I moved away from Sans after the apology so that I wouldn't seem rude. Sans let it happen, even though he seemed a bit tense... "It's... it's fine, Undyne. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

I offered a small smile in their direction which caused Sans to let out a sigh of relief. "Alright then, good ta see that we're all swimmin' along."

We all turned our heads to look at Sans who gave us a very lazy grin. It probably took a good three seconds before he was plopped down into the comfort of his green couch. "So then, (Y/n). This is Undyne and Alphys."

"Seriously, Sans?" Undyne sneered while Sans casually waved his hand in their direction for introductions. "Not gonna bother standing up to introduce us?"

"Hey now, I don't mean ta keep ya gals on the line or nothin'... but tibia honest, introductions are a bit too fishy for my taste. I mean-"

"Yeah, yeah. Stop with the damned fish puns! We get it!" She claimed with a vivid face palm. Alphys snorted lightly before turning her attention over to me. Undyne was quick to follow in her gaze, easily sizing me up. "Alright... so (Y/n), right?"

I noticed Sans twitching slightly once Undyne leaned in dangerously close. Moving my head back slightly so that I could put some distance between us, it didn't take long for her to laugh. "BAHAHAHA... YOU MUST BE THE BIGGEST WIMP IN THE UNDERGROUND! HA. I like you, punk!"

"Um..." I stared as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders to drag me into her, acting as if we were old time friends. I looked towards Sans for some kind of explanation, but he only shrugged in response. "Thank... you?"

"Don't mention it, punk!" She then turned to face Sans. "So I'm taking her, right?"

"Yep. Just 'til tomorrow afternoon, or whenever I wake up. The kiddo said that some girl time might help her, and I think so too." Sans claimed while crossing his arms nonchalantly. "But uh- be a little careful with her, yeah? She's a bit timid."

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