Chapter 14 Tears- Let Them Flow

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Chapter 14

Tears- Let Them Flow

Dressed in a black button down shirt and black denims and flowers in one hand Edwin chose the girl he loved and reached the cemetery and he was damn right, his angel had come to wish her dad on his birthday.

He placed his tulips besides the bunch of white roses that Stella had brought for her father.

She stood there sobbing bitterly at her father's grave.

Edwin did not want to see her cry but she needed that outpour, he knew or she'll sink into her emotions that were killing her inside.

He let her cry for some time till he couldn't take anymore. Then he hugged her lifting her and taking her to her mom.

She had forgotten to get flowers for her and was pleased to see that Edwin had been thoughtful about it.

They spent some time together there cuddled in each other's arms in front of their parents.

Edwin was mentally praying that they would bless them as couples.

Although his greatest bless had already reached him as Stella, his love was safe in my arms and he still had a chance to fix things up.

He then mentally passed gratitude towards the girl who helped him plan Mission love.

Oh hell she too wass in some shit and he longed to go and sort things out with her.


[earlier at the cafe]

Edwin was about to turn back when he saw her bruised neck, he did go back to her but she yelled at him, "Go Edwin I am used to all this shit. Stella needs you and you too need her. Go check her safety. A life is more important than a......... please go"

"I will come back to you. You know?" he asked not expecting an answer; it was actually a declaration as he staring directly into her darks. She silently nodded to it.


He wondered how he could be so relevant on a whore.

Apart from being a prostitute she had an inner charm, which easily depicts in her vision and her conduct.

Who else would go out of the way to help a person who actually insulted you and considered you nothing but a pile of shit!

Edwin was sure that because of her help his Stella is surely going to smile her longing smile that she did earlier when he met her for the first time.

Its not that the smile had deteriorated and he did not like it, he actually loved it but it somehow does not reached her heart.

He had promised himself that he would bring back that angelic smile back. The credit would definitely go to Iris or Rosie

They then went home and she cooked food for both of them.

He let her do it thinking maybe it would help her distract her mind. He also joined her helping her chopping and adding his useless tips on to make food taste better.

She was silent all the while except when he suggested her to kiss the spatula instead of adding sugar so that the cake tastes sweeter than ever. She was baking a cake to celebrate her father's birthday. She smiled to it brushing the batter covered spatula on his face and soiling it.

"You gotcha lick it ." he teased hugging her from behind and rubbing their cheeks against each others.

"Not gonna happen" she said as she tried to skip from his grip but he held her tight.

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