Chapter 19 Chores Of Life

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Chapter 19

Chores Of Life

Edwin continued laughing "You soiled, no shit in your panties"

He had tears in his eyes. After ages he was laughing so hard.

"The strong girl sitting in front of me shit in her panties." He repeated.

"I told you, first day of school, I was nervous and I was so very small." She said hitting him playfully, fully embarrassed and blushed but she didn't mind though.

They were getting comfortable with each other.

"Your turn now." She said pulling his phone and trying to jiggle the dices.

"It's below 7 for me now." She said and continued like a kid.

One could never judge she's the same girl who minutes ago had no intentions to play and was sickeningly worried about the operation thing that she had no control over.

"No I want less than 7. You roll and the call is of opponent." He said to which she agreed wherein there was no such rule.

Edwin was simply saying it and bet her innocence she accepted it honestly.

"Yeah! 5 and 3. I win. Now you got to take the penalty." She said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Well I cannot say that you cheated but I guess the roller is on the upper head" he smiled.

"Edwin don't make me move around your cheesy words." She said sternly yet playfully, "I am not gonna spare you. Spit out your first time."

"My first... my first.. Okay I'll take my first drawing class. I wanted to draw a mango and ended up drawing an apple." he said easily.

"Not taken too gross. Let me pick for you." She said not at all satisfied with his penalty.

She wanted to add some humiliation to it.

She put her finger to her chin like in a thinking pose "Tell me when you first drew a human figure specifically." And she bit her lower lip expecting a hilarious situation.

Edwin did have one.

"It was my class at early morning. All other were girls in the glass. Me being the only male, I never wanted to let anybody know that the jock, famous basketball player of the high school actually painted so I went early in the mornings." A proud smile graced his face "My mom always supported me."

"We had to draw a human figure, a girl's." he said shyly as if it was happening right now.

"I could make it. It was a girl's with that look of flush in your eyes." She said cheesily like a five year old.

"So the face was picture perfect and when I finished the entire thing. My art teacher came up to me. I need to add she was a nasty delinquent Miss. forty with speculated thick glasses and no sense of dignity at all."

"Edwin" my teacher squeaked at the top of her lungs "Haven't you ever seen a woman's body?" she gestured towards her big B's "They are round and at equal distances from the neck. Why is yours one lifted upwards and the other drowning downwards and if I see carefully the left one is also bigger than the right one," she said cupping her b*'s in the air.

All the girls tilted their heads downwards giggling to my humiliation and I stood there humiliated with a combination of embarrassment.

"Heeee sorry" she bit her lower lip trying to control her laughter, which still erupted as she enjoyed his humiliation filled embarrassment. She cupped her lips trying to hide the smirk added with mocking laughter that she couldn't behold.

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