Chapter 21 Fun At The Crease

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Chapter 21
Fun At The Crease

Edwin was getting restless with the passing time, not having heard about the progress of Iris's dad.

He was waiting for a call from Iris or at least a text from her notifying that the operation was a major success and stuff like that.

He was actually expecting to hear her cheerful voice from the other end.

He was fiddling with his phone when Stella came and rested on his lap.

Being home late last night he woke up late in the morning and the moment he woke up he was keen to know about the surgery.

Damn! Iris had taken a promise, not to call her or text her regarding the same.

She promised "I'll do it on her own. I beg please don't call me"

But he cannot blame her since she's been spinning around her work, her studies, hospital, brother that silly f**king bas***d who hit her. Her forgetting to call was quite normal.

Stella kissed him hard and he immediately kissed her back with full intensity. Her touch had that effect that he'd forget everything in the world.

All that mattered to him was their togetherness.

After they parted to breathe as it was a long and a passionate kiss she said ruffling his hair "My boy is not very cheerful in the morning today? Have all the stock of your love stories exhausted already?" She raised her eyebrows teasingly.

"Yeah I am all done with them. Can you help me refilling with the supplies" he said smirking now shifting on top of her making sure not to squeeze her under his weight.

Stella was curling her fingers in his hair staring into his goldens, her blues sparkling with excitement. She pulled him for a short kiss and asked, "How's your friend's father?"

Edwin went back to the backrest of the bed still feeling tired of last night and answered "The operation went well but he was not to come to conscious till in the morning. I was expecting a message or a call from my friend but I haven't got it as yet"

"If your friend didn't call you why not trouble your delicate fingers and call him" she said handing the mobile.

He couldn't call Iris so he tried to distract Stella and hugged her tight and pulled her to lie besides him and slept for a little while till it was time for office.


Brent didn't have any office of his own and so Iris had to meet in the club where he's always there hooking up random girls being a pimp and looking for his commissions.

Iris was feeling guilty of not calling or informing Edwin about her dad but she had nothing to share.

She hadn't met or seen her dad conscious after the operation but she knew he would be restless so before meeting Brent at the club she finally texted him "Dad's okay. Don't call back."

Iris sat on one of the tables, her palms sweating. Every time Brent calls or meets her he has something dreading in store for her.

He was deeply involved in all the sex related crimes and even worst than that and girls like her were nothing but his stock in hand that he has to sell in the market.

Iris had almost a week left with Jason after which he had to lead her to other clients.

She wondered if it was worse with him or Jason.

After waiting for around an hour, he took her to one of the rooms in the club.

She hardly knew about the place. He spanked her on the butt cheeks following and leading her to his small office kind of place.

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