Episode 9: Years into the War

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I have been on the battlefield for a few years already. During my time at the battlefield, I led the men into a bloody battlefield many times, I had seen my comrades fall into the enemies hands, I had been into dangerous and deadly situations, and I had been through the worst. I made friends in the army with the other generals and men. They slowly began to forget my useless title behind me, that I am the Second Prince. However, I never let my guards down. Humans are very complex living beings. You never know what they were thinking and they can betray anyone at any given moment. I trust the generals and my men that they would have my back but I didn't trust them enough to leave my back unarmored. I only trust Luciel and Staraptor in the camp. In these years, I haven't contacted any of my friends or Louis. As the prince and princess of their kingdom, every day, they have their lessons and their paperwork that need to be done. Louis was also busy doing whatever he needed to do in the Ice Kingdom. I also have been busy, training, and trying to understand our enemies. Sometimes, I would study until late at night.

At the Western Front, we are waiting for our last victory, the last battle that will either end this war or change everything around. At the Eastern Front, our army managed to push back the enemies and defend it. The Northern Front had almost no trouble defending itself because it was a coastal front with wide beaches that our army could attack from the fort. Now, there is only the Western Front and the Southern Front that is still in battle. These two fronts were the most important fronts. The Southern Front is protecting the capital of the kingdom and the castle while the Western Front is protecting the food and supplies to the rest of the kingdom. If either side falls, the whole kingdom will fall over. Knowing the significance of the war, our army was preparing for our final attack. Throughout the years on the battlefield, we had sent, and I had led armies to the enemies' land to cut off their supplies. I had lead attacks at night, attacking their food and army supplies, as well as destroying their roads. We also had direct battles with our enemies.

"Men, so what is our status now?" General Brock asked the generals.

"As of now, the Eastern and Northern Fronts were secured. The Southern front was preparing for their last battle, most likely at Twinleaf Town or Sandgem Town," General Aaron reported.

"In the Western Front, General Bertha had successfully captured the town of Junilife City and Sunyshore City, cutting off about half of the supplies of our enemies. General Byron had successfully taken over Eterna City, a trading city," General Flint added.

General Brock nodded his head as he listened to the reports. "What about our plan? How much had it been done?"

Our plan to defeat our enemy consisted of three goals, cutting off the enemy's supplies, meaning blockage their trading routes, destroying their capital, and capturing and destroying the morale of the enemies. It was known as the Anaconda Plan, in which we are trying to surround our enemies until they give up. It was a powerful plan that was planned by the generals but it took a long time for the effects to show. In the past four years that I have been at the western front, we have accomplished a few of these goals.

"With General Bertha and General Byron taking over the two cities, we managed to take over most of their trading routes. General Roark and General Maylene had blockaded the seaports already," I said.

"We need someone to lead the army to the capital city. It will take at least a week to get there, not including the possible attacks that we may face and the weather. We also need other generals to guard this front for possible attacks and to attack the enemies through the south and meet at the capital city," General Brock said as he looked at the updated map about war.

"I would suggest General Gardenia and General Crasher to go through the south to the capital. General Gardenia and her army were good at marching through the forest and General Crasher and his men were good at fighting," General Fantina suggested. "The other generals should stay at the front."

"General Paul, General Volkner, and General Saturn should go to the capital city as their army was the best trained. I believe that they can return with a victory," General Cynthia said.

General Brock looked at the map as he listened to the two generals and nodded his head. In his mind, he was playing how the war and battles would turn out. "You two are correct, General Fantina and General Cynthia. General Gardenia, General Crasher, General Paul, General Volkner, and General Saturn, I hope you guys can bring us the victory we need to win this war. The other generals, return to your posts. Be prepared for any battles. You are going to leave in two days."

With that, the general meeting ended. I was among the last to walk out, thinking at the plan. I saw General Cynthia walking in front of me before I ran to catch up with her. "General, I have a question."

General Cynthia turned around and looked at me before she smiled. "Yes, General Paul?"

"Why did you choose me?" I asked.

"Why? I believed that you could bring us the victory needed," she smiled.

"I am still new," I replied.

"Just because you are new doesn't mean anything. Understand your potential, General Paul," she said before she walked away.

I returned to my tent after greeting my soldiers and seeing them training. I had been training them to use their magic for battle, as well as combat. I know what position they should go to. Most of them are my original army from when I first left the palace. They had risen in their ranks and most of them became commanders and lieutenant and they started to lead their men. I have never been more proud of them. Staraptor and Luciel were in the tent when I entered. Starapter was pecking on a paper while Luciel was laying on the mat.

"Yo. You are back. How is the meeting? Fun?" Luciel asked when he noticed me.

"Yea. I am going to battle in two days," I replied.

"Where?" Luciel asked, interested.

"To the capital, Snowpoint City," I said.

"Snowpoint City? The capital of the Dark Kingdom and the place where it is cold almost all year round?" Luciel said as he sat up.

"Yea," I said.

"It will take at least two weeks to get there with minimum battles. That does not include any weather changes, any major battles, and any rest during the road! You are going with other generals right?" Luciel said.

"Yes. I am going with General Volkner and General Saturn," I replied.

"General Volkner, I trusted him. I don't trust General Saturn, however," Luciel said.

"I know. By the way, why is Staraptor keep pecking on the paper?" I asked.

Luciel turned around before taking the paper and handing it to Paul. "That old man wrote you a letter. I haven't read it yet but it is not poisonous."

I quickly took the paper away from him and read the letter from Louis. Louis sometimes wrote me letters and never wrote down where he was. In the letter this time that he had written, he said how he had heard of my accomplishments and that he was proud of me. He also said that he had heard of the plan and that if I need any help, I can just ask and that I should stay safe and beware of my army. I wonder how he had heard of the plan as he was not in the kingdom or anywhere near the Western Front. It was nothing I should worry about too much as Louis knows things in the most mysterious ways. After I had read the letter, I burned it before I sat on the mat. I guess I have to start preparing for the journey.

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