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I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet. I look back at the boy. His eyebrows are furrowed and his face is scrunched into a knot of ferocity. I look at the others standing above me. All of their mouths are hanging open and one is pointing at me and then back at the boy. Then one boy with dark brown hair and a red type vest says, "A girl?" And then another boy with blonde curly hair says, "Two greenies?"

"What the hell is a greenie? Where the hell am I? Who are these people?" I push myself out of the box and up the ledge and then I give a hand to the blonde boy who's expression on his face still lies the same as when we arrived in this place called the glade. I look around at everyone and they're all boys. I guess in the only girl here. He takes it and it feels like this happened before. Like I knew him.

Alby and another boy takes us to this bunker type place and then they lock us in their, in separate rooms. I sit there and think of what occurred in the last 20 minutes. The box. The glade. The boy. It runs through my head over and over again. I stand up and look though the bars of wood. It's a courtyard. We're in a freaking courtyard. Were inclosed in a huge place surrounded by cement walls except for one spot.

There's one opening, but what lies past that. Is there anybody out there? Maybe we aren't trapped. I see a boy approach, it's Alby. I sigh in relief and I sit back down on the dirt. He opens the boy's door first and then he opens mine. I jump out it and I run. I run like I'm about to die. The wind whips against my face as I run like hell. I run straight to the opening. I'm getting out of this type of hell. I whip my head around and I see a hoard of people chasing after me saying, "don't let her get out!!" Or "stop that slinthead!" What the hell is a slinthead? I whip my head around just to be stopped by some guy who had just came out of the opening.

I stumble on top of him and his body is below mine. "Uhh... I'm... Uhh..." I choke up on my own words and the right words can't come out like I'm gagging on a hair ball. All I can think is this is awkward... Very awkward. He shoves me off of him and then he stands to his feet and screams, "what the shuck? Who's this shank? The new greenie?" He laughs at the last word he says, greenie. That word that I despise so much. I'm still not sure why, but I hate being called it.

"What's your name, shank?" He asks. "Uhh.. Dani. My name is Dani." I stare into his eyes. He's Chinese or maybe Korean but I guess that doesn't matter. He tough and masculine like a runner. I look through the opening. A maze? We're stuck in this place. We're all stuck in the glade.

I turn my gaze back the the boy who I just ran into. "I'm Minho, and you look like you could be a runner, Dani." A runner? What the shuck is a runner. Ugh I already find myself using this type of language that the gladers use. I'm turning into one of them....

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