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Alby has set up a room in the homestead for the boy I came up with and myself. I think his name is Newt. There's one issue though, there's only one bed.

We gather around the bonfire that we have set up in honor of Newt and myself's article to this place called the Glade. Seems more like we're trapped. I sit by a log, sloshing around this brown liquid in a jar. Some drunk guy gave it to me. I look to my side and I see Newt approaching. "Hi, Dani is it?" His thick British accent makes me want him even more, so I move closer. I nod and say,"hi." I hear shifting all around me and Newt and I start to look around the Glade. Alby puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "it's the maze,
It's changing." What the hell does that mean? How does it change? Instead of asking, I just move closer to Newt. I want to know why I feel like I know him. Tomorrow Alby says that we have to try out all the jobs in the Glade.

I start to get up to go to bed, but Newt grabs
My arm and just looks at me and I look at him. His chocolate brown eyes like a hot chocolate in the winter. He breaks the stare and let's go of my arm and instead gets up and follows me to our bedroom. I go to Alby's room to grab blankets so I can sleep on the floor, but Newt stops me before I can even get out the door. "There's no bloody need for that we have space on the bed for both of us." I don't really know what to say I mean it hasn't become a thing that I've ever had to decide or at least I don't remember. "Okay." As soon as it comes out of my mouth I regret saying it. The bed is small, we would both have to either spoon or lay on our sides facing each other. I crawl into the bed and face the wall as Newt climbs in after me. He puts his arm around my waist and I suddenly feel this awkward feeling. It's... Uhh... I try to push the awkward feeling out of my head, but it keeps coming back like my head is a magnet. I relax my muscles and force my eyes to close. I fall asleep, finally.
It's a memory I think but it feels like a dream. I look around to see where I am. I'm in a building that is crumbling, the windows are all shattered. I walk over to one and I look out it. All I see is sand, miles and miles of sand, with nothing in the horizon. I turn around and I jump back and slam my head into the wall. I can feel the pain like this is real, but I know it's not, it can't be. A woman with hair that is falling off as well as her skin like she just came out of a huge, raging fire. There were veins everywhere and they were purple. Looks like the woman came from hell. Her clothes were torn and the places where her skin wasn't falling off, her skin was a chalky brownish grey like she went through tons of mud. "Kill me." She says, her eyes bulging out of her head. "What?" This woman seems like a psychopathic murderer. She points to my hand and I look down to see it gripping a gun. "KILL ME OR ILL KILL YOU!" I jump back a little and her spit flies into my face. "DO IT!" I have no choice, I pull the gun up so that it's pointed at her face. I can't pull the trigger. My finger won't move. I can't move it. I can't live with the fact if killing someone no matter how crazy they seem. I start to cry and I can't stop, like I have no control over my body. She rips the gun out of my hand and points it to me. I stand there, defenseless. "I told you, you should've been smart and shot me, not I'm gonna shoot you!" She clocks the gun and pulls the trigger.
I inhale a deep breath like I've been underwater for minutes and I've just got a breath of air. Newt immediately awakens and calms me down to the point where I can go to sleep. Was that an actual memory? Why the hell are we here? And what the hell is out there, outside the walls of the maze?

I'm sorry I haven't written anything all last week I was kinda busy and I kinda forgot about this fanfic. I don't know if there will be an update tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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