Chapter 1:

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Kelly: "Stella we are going to be late!" 

Kelly yells from the kitchen waiting on Stella who was still in their bedroom getting ready. They had 30 minutes to get to the firehouse without being late. Stella comes out of the bedroom with her bag on her shoulders while fixing her hair. 

Stella: "I'm here let's go. Sorry I did not want to roll out of bed this morning because someone wanted to have some fun last night in bed" 

She looks at Kelly while squinting her eyes with a grin trying not to smile because after all, she did enjoy it. Kelly was smiling while handing Stella her to-go coffee mug. 

Kelly: "Just wanted you to have sweet dreams," he said as he let out a small chuckle. 

Stella: "mhm " she grabbed the mug and finally let out a laugh 

As Kelly and Stella walked towards the door Casey came out stumbling out of his room as he was also in a hurry. 

Kelly: "What are you still doing here, I thought you were at the firehouse already?" giving Casey a confused look as he was surprised to see his best friend was still here. 

Kelly opened the door allowing Stella to go first followed by Casey with him behind to close the door. 

Casey: "No I actually over slept, I had trouble catching some sleep last night."

He and Stella were waiting on Kelly to lock the door so them three could walk out together. 

Stella: "Were we too loud?" she looks at Casey crinkling her nose feeling a little embarresed about her and Kelly being too loud last night. 

Casey quickly understands what she means and shakes his head as his eyes widen 

Casey: "Oh , not at all! I was just in deep though"

Stella relaxes to hear Kelly and her didnt have to do anything with Casey's lack of sleep. 

Casey: "I mean after all I have learned my lesson and I bought some earplugs." he smirks looking at his friends as he teases them both. 

Kelly and Stella can't help but laugh at his comment. As they exit the building they bump into Ms. Beasley an elderly woman who lives alone across their apartment. 

Ms. Beasley: "Casey dear! How are you today?" smiling warmly at the fine firefighter while waving to Kelly and Stella. 

Casey: "I'm doing good how bout you Ms. Beasley?"

Ms. Beasley: "Well at my my age you gotta make everyday a good day" letting out a small yet sweet and friendly giggle causing the three friends to smile warmly at the elderly's woman comment. 

Casey: " Well have a good rest of your day" 

As Casey is about to turn around and head for his car Ms. Beasley speaks

Ms. Beasley: Oh, by the way, thank you for the flowers you left at my door step the other day, they truly brighten my apartment. 

Casey: "I'm glad you liked them" he smiles warmly 

Ms. Beasley: "If its not too much trouble would you mind helping me fix my chair, it seems to be a little unsteady and you know these old bones can't handle a fall nowadays." 

Casey: "I won't mind at all, if the firehouse is slow today I'll stop by later. It won't take me more than 10 minutes. 

Ms. Beasley: "Oh thats wonderful! Then I'll make sure to have those oatmeal cookies you love ready by then." 

Casey: he chuckles, "Sounds good"

Ms. Beasley: "Now you kids all be safe and head to work already. I don't want you being late." 

Casey: "We will thank you" 

Kelly: "Have a nice day"

Stella: "See ya"

They all say as the elderly woman slowly walks to her apartment while using a cane as support. Casey finds Kelly and Stella staring back at him with a confused look waiting for an explanation. 

Casey: "What?" he asks as he creases his forehead

Kelly: "Are you hitting on Ms. Beasly? Kelly laughs as he teases his best friend

Stella: "Well now we know who Casey was in deep thought about last night" Stella laughs as she joins her boyfriend on the teasing. 

Casey: " She wasn't on my mind last night and I'm just being a good neighbor and offering some help" as he eyes them both

Kelly: "If you say so" putting up his hands in surrender

Casey: "Lets get to work, I don't feel like getting in trouble by Boden today"

Stella: "I agree " 

As Casey starts to head to his truck Stella comes up with an idea 

Stella: "Hey why don't we three carpool to work today. Ya know to save some gas and help the Earth" she shrugs as she throws out an idea

Casey: "I'm up for it" he shrugs

Kelly: "Works for me but who's car we taking?"

Stella: "We can take mine" 

Kelly: "Ok but I'll drive though"

Stella: "What why?!"

Kelly: "Well whenever you are in a hurry you are a danger on the road" he chuckles as he stretches out his hand waiting for her keys

Casey: "I agree with him on this one" nodding his in agreement

Stella: " Well a girl's gotta get places plus its not my fault people can;t keep up with me at my pace." Giving both men a look with her eyebrows raised lifting her hands in. 

Kelly shakes his hand stretched hand refusing to let her drive . Stella finally gives in and hands over the car keys. 

Stella: "Fine!" rolling her eyes at both guys who give a small chuckle as they all head to Stella's jeep. 

Stella: "This is what I get for giving out ideas, but I'm still choosing the music" 

Casey: "Oh boy" raising his eyebrows as he knows Stella has a unique taste in music 

Stella: "I heard that!" giving him a dirty look while opening the co pilots door. 

The three friends laugh at their crazy morning and head to work. 

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