Chapter 17

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"Alright, Katherine, calm down. You can do this," I told myself aloud as I paced across the carpet in front of the full-length mirror. "But what if I can't? What if I mess it all up? What if I don't look casual enough? What if I look too casual?"

My fingers knotted in my hair. It had been an hour and I still hadn't found anything to wear. Sure, the rest of our things had come in earlier, so Mom and I had plenty of different outfits and much more furniture, but none of them worked.

"You can't look too casual, it's not even a date date," I reminded myself out loud as I turned back to the piles of clothes on my floor.

Yes you can! The sweats and the hoodie you wear to bed look hideous!

Well, you're obviously not wearing that, idiot.

My phone dinged.

I practically vaulted over the bed to grab it off the bedside table, my hands shaking.

Caleb: Wear something comfortable and warm :)

Me: K

Oh god. What was he planning? I didn't even know what we were doing. Right, something about flying. How was I supposed to dress for flying?

I did the one thing I had tried so hard to avoid, or, as I called it in my head, initiating Plan Z.

I called Lucy.


"Oh my god, what if I drop her?"

Izzy sighed as I paced the main living room, fingers pressed to her temples.

"You're not going to drop her, dumbass," she said.

"But what if I do?" I shot back, my eyes wide. "What if I can't catch her? What if she dies?"

Aaron leaned up against one wall, arms folded, with an 'I-am-so-done-with-you' expression. Since everyone had that expression when I was around at least once a day, I took no notice and continued to pace.

"I don't know, you might drop her," Aaron said with a shrug. "Who knows. You have giant-ass black sparkly wings."

"Oh my god, I have giant-ass black sparkly wings."

"Caleb!" My sister-in-law and legal guardian shouted. "You. Are. Not. Going. To. Drop. Her. And if you do, you are going to catch her because you're Caleb freaking Von Henderson and I've seen you risk your career, your safety, your sleep, and answer your door at ten in the morning on a Saturday for this girl."

Izzy took a deep breath and huffed with a glare over at me: "If you're anything like Liam, I'm going to have to keep you away from her if you continue this pattern of stressful dramatic outbursts."

I heaved a long sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, heat flaring up in my face.

"You're right." I ran a hand down my face. It was going to be fine.


"Breathe in."

Lucy mimed breathing while placing a hand on my shoulder. "And breathe out."

She had come into my apartment with Sera in tow, shoved me into the bathroom (because apparently that's better than my bedroom), and gotten me ready in record time. She had good fashion sense, I would give her that.

Currently I stood in front of the sink, hair freshly curled and clipped back, ready to throw up.

"I can't," I gasped. "What if I mess everything up?"

"You can't mess it up, idiot," Sera scolded. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail with one of my hair ties from her place on the side of the empty bathtub. "Now would you please stand up straight and stop frizzing your hair, he'll be here in a few minutes."

"Plus, you haven't told us who it is yet." Lucy hugged me from behind and put her chin on my shoulder. "I hope he's cute. He is cute, right?"

Oh, he's definitely cute.

I stared at my reflection. At the maroon off-the-shoulder top, at the sparkly pink lip gloss and simple eyeliner, at my curled blonde hair, held back with a single silver seashell clip, at the small freckles that dotted my nose, and gulped back the bile in my throat. Oh god. I was really doing this. I was going on a date.

I started having second thoughts as soon as the doorbell rang seconds later.

"Ooh, he's here!" Lucy squealed. "Go, go, go!"

"Alright, alright." I swallowed back my doubts and sighed. "I'm going."

Breathe. You can't throw up now. You're too far in to back out.

I knew Lucy and Sera would be hovering just out of sight, but, since I didn't have much of a choice, I pushed that out of my mind, and made my way over to the front door. Really the only door, which would be extremely impractical in an emergency -

The doorknob clicked when I turned it.

There, standing right in front of me, was Caleb.

He grinned, eyes twinkling as he shifted his shining, gold-speckled black wings to flash in the light, just like his blond hair, which, in the evening light, looked more golden than anything. Somehow his fitted black dress shirt managed to accommodate the wings without any obvious sign of modification.

What do I say - I haven't said anything - ah -

"Ready to go, Kitten?" Caleb asked. His nervous smirk only grew when I shook myself out of my frozen state and glowered at him.

"No," I muttered with a huff. "Let's go before I change my mind."

"No need to worry about that. " I could see that his confidence, steeped in nervousness, had returned the slightest amount when he smiled.

He took my hand and gently kissed the knuckles, glittering blue gaze still on mine. "You won't."

A/N -

I probably didn't need the beginning but I thought it was cute *shrugs*

The picture up at the top is Katherine's aesthetic because quarantine is killing me and I have nothing to do :P

Stay inside, guys, girls, and non-binary buddies,


Ramen Noodles

Aaaaaand I had to add a little bit more because I can't let this sit at 999 words :D

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