Meet Our Main Character

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Akia POV

Hey. I'm Akia Brown-Alsina. Yes, Alsina. I don't use that last name though. Mainly because he has never been here for me. I was the love child. He had an affair with my mom. It all happened right as he was beginning to gain his fame. His wife wanted him to have nothing to do with me but he had no choice but to take me in because my mother recently passed away from breast cancer. I hate this man y'all. He ain't never made an effort to be here for me. It's been so hard for me to grow up and see him with all of my siblings while I was cast aside.

It's really fucked up because my mom didn't even know she was his mistress. She was already pregnant when she found out about his wife and she cut him off immediately but of course, they always put the blame on the other woman instead of holding the man accountable. She gave my mother hell. My father sent us money every week but that's not the same as being there.

I moved in with them about a week ago. It's been 3 weeks since my mom died. I was allowed to stay with my step father and two younger siblings until after my moms funeral. It's so strange living with them. I mostly stay in my room. The vibes I get from them is that I'm not even wanted here. My siblings don't even really talk to me. Well, my older brother does. At least he tries. But I'm so used to being pushed away by them that I've started to push away too.

I'm damaged in so many different ways. I am angry, sad, hateful. Just to see my dad with his other children. It really gets to me. Even now that I'm living with him, he's still not making an effort with me. At all. Y'all will soon have a better look at my life.

Akia (15)

August Jr. (19)

Arielle (17)

Audrie (16)

Anthony (13)

August Sr. (38)

London (37)

I know I said I was making 1 new book but I had so many different ideas that I made 2 and it could possibly be a third one coming. Let me know what y'all think of this one.

Chapter 1 coming soon.

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