14: Saved?

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The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

S O N G  F O R  C H A P T E R : "Raise Hell"
B Y : Dorothy

"Somebody gotta, gotta raise a little hell"

Seeing Collet helped me to understand mine and Corban's situation. Her reminding me that I still have a choice was something I didn't know that I needed to hear until I heard it. Dog ran up to me and jumped in my lap. I say jump generously, he leaped and stumbled upon it.

I can't help but notice that the air feels much warmer today. When I look out my window, I can't help the small gasp that escapes my lips. Today was absolutely beautiful.

The forest floor almost sparkles. The sky is a bright blue. The smell of a warm day swirls around me. It's an odd smell that can't quite be described, but it's unmistakable. Dog barks and scratches at my feet.

"Alright, Dog, let's go." I smile. I pick him up and climb back down to the ground. Dog's eyes are basically saucers as he looks around completely mesmerized by the forest. He jumps out of my arms and jumps around, barking happily. I have never seen him so active. I cross my arms and sigh as I look at him.

"So you're a dog who likes it warm huh, huh?" He barks and rolls around on the ground. I turn my head to check on Dog and roll my eyes when I see him happily lick at the ground, eating the the dirt.

The spruce trees almost seem a shade darker. The ferns on the ground are a bright green, and the sphagnum moss sits happily on the floor. The flowers are blooming. Everything is starting to wake up from the winter.

My moment is ruined when I hear pounding footsteps against the forest floor. My brows furrow, and I quickly grab Dog. I look around on high alert, and my eyes go wide when I see a group of rogues coming rapidly in my direction. Luckily, I don't think that they have seen me yet, so I quickly climb back up into my tree house but only to the first level.

    I'm not about to pick a fight that I can avoid. Fight smart, not for the hell of it. That is what gets a person killed.

I see a total of six. When the rogues get close to my treehouse, though, they come to an abrupt halt. My brows furrow as they all start to gather around the bottom of my treehouse. I hear Dog whimper, and I pull him into my lap.

    "They'll leave Dog, it's okay."

♛ ♛ ♛

It's now night time, and the group of rogues have not left yet. They knew I was up here. Every now and then, the red one would look up to where I was crouched and growl. They apparently had all the time in the world.

At certain moments one would leave and come pack. At one point, one came back with a freshly killed deer, and my stomach grumbled. It had already been a while since I had a proper meal. I was planning on going out to hunt today until this happened.

Dog stopped caring about the threat below us and happily took both a pee, a poo, and two naps. He's working on his third now, and his incessant snoring isn't doing anything to calm my nerves. I have been trying to figure out why they are here. I know Corban's pack wouldn't have told them where I was because they didn't even know in the first place. I figured that it had to be the rogues from the attack where Corban found me. But even that was far enough away from my treehouse to where it wouldn't be noticeable.

I figure that they aren't going to leave anytime soon. Right now, my best bet would be to try to get some sleep and hope that they leave in the morning. I climbed up to my bedroom, grabbing Dog and taking him with me. He jumped up on my bed as soon as I set him back down. I walked over and laid down, curling myself into a little ball and pulling my polar bear blanket over me happily. I can just pretend that they aren't there.

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