Where are my pants?

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The door slowly opened and there stood Sophie. She peered in to find you and Augustine alseep on the sofa. She took a quick glance around the room and went red. There were clothes everywhere. "Good lord Xerneas, I leave him for 10 minutes and he makes the room even more of a mess!" She laughed to herself, silently exiting the room.


Augustine stirred ontop of you. His eyes opened and he saw you still asleep. He playfully licked your face. " Augustine! " you groaned as you too awoke. You lifted your head up and kissed him passionately. "We should get dressed before Sophie finds us like this." Augustine said, clambering off of you.

You were both scrambling around the floor looking for your clothes. " I found your shirt August." You said, holding it up for him to get. "And your trousers." You added, holding them up too.

After about 5 minute's all of yours and Augustine's clothes had been found... you thought.

"Where are my pants?" Queried Augustine. "I thought you had them?" You replied.

For the next 10 minutes you were searching for Augustines boxers but they were nowhere to be seen.

"You'll have to go commando." You said eventually. August agreed and pulled on his trousers. "While were here, the reason I came here was because I wanted to tell you that I am stopping my journey for good and im going to find a place in Kalos!" You said triumphantly. Augustine's face lit up. "You are? Thats great!" He smiled "you're more than welcome to stay here until you find the right place." He added. "Or maybe this is the right place? Right here with me." You paused "you want me to live with you? " Augustine nodded shyly "because I love you [name]." Without thinking,  you gave him the biggest hug you had ever given to anyone. "If you wouldn't mind. " you whispered. "Well thats settled then." Augustine declared "as a welcome home gift and as a toast to our love, I insist I cook you the best meal you have ever eaten!"

-at the dining table-

"My lord Arceus!  This is good!" You exclaimed.  "Im glad you like it." Replied Augustine. "I hope I didn't pester you into coming back, I was just missing you a lot." Murmured the Professor.  "No, not at all, maybe one day we can both go on a journey together? Just me you and our pokémon! " you suggested. August smiled "maybe!" He replied enthusiastically.

Suddenly there came a knock on the door. "Come in." Shouted the professor.  "Im sorry to interupt Professor Sycamore, but, I-urm, just thought you might -ur- need...these. I found them on the floor in the living room!" In Sophies hand was the Professors underwear. You looked at Augustine and both of you began to laugh.

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