City of Bone (2)

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Someone's P.O.V.

How did I get here? I was sitting in a normal school math class and now this. Wait what even is this? A cave I think. It's dark. I hear voices a little bit away from me. "Hello?!" I shout. Maybe they can help me. I see eyes flash next to me. They are pure gold.

Somebody grabs my arm. "Who are you?" A voice asks from the darkness. "I'm lost, can you help me out?" I ask, ignoring the question. "Hi lost I'm Tyrael but you can call me Percy. (#PERSASSY) How did you get here?" Whoever that is is getting slapped. "I'm Lana." I say and extend my hand to shake his.

He flinches away and my hands brush against something soft. Feathers? In a cave? "Well Lana, you are probably going to die here so goodbye." Wow harsh. He can leave me here. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine?" A voice echoes from the darkness. It's weird because it sounds as though it's speaking in my head.

It's a girls voice. She approaches us and something is on her back. The cave lights up. "Wotcher! I'm Maddie." The girl, Maddie, greets, at least I think it was her voice in my head. Then I see her wings spread out behind her. Wings. This is too much for one day. Darkness covers my vision and I sink into unconsciousness.


Sorry for the short but sweet update guys I'm shattered. I'll update tomorrow.


My name is Tyrael not PercyWhere stories live. Discover now