05| Arise

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She went back to the river the next morning. Kafui rose before the sun and snuck out, wearing one of Abena's dresses that her mother would've hated to see her in. She didn't like to disobey her mother, but her gown would slow her down. This dress stopped right above her knees, and it allowed her to move easily, although the lack of sleeves did nothing against the cold.

The sky was still dark, but birds were chirping, signalling the start of a new day. She moved swiftly like she'd been taught, managing to stay hidden from anyone or anything that could've seen her. She followed the river to where it ended. The water darted downwards where the rapids peaked, and it flowed into another water body that was partly underground, in a cave of some sort.

Kafui would've been sceptical about the king's death if she didn't see his body on the side of the river. She wondered how it got there for a brief second, but she ignored her curiosity and went up to it. She touched his chest and sure enough, there was no heartbeat. She pressed down on his lungs and immediately, water filled his mouth.

It did nothing to revive him. His skin had turned blue and his limbs were in awkward positions, so she knew that he was well and truly dead. Still she slapped his cheeks violently to make sure that he didn't have any life left in him. She considered stabbing him to be sure, but then it'd be too obvious that he was murdered. This way, it looked like an accident.

She snuck back into her tent after making sure that the king couldn't possibly be revived. He'd been dead for a while, because the insects were already gathering around him. She was glad that she'd saved her people all on her own.

She settled down for some much–needed rest, since the journey to the kingdom would take the whole of that day.

By the time the servants dismantled the camp and were preparing for travel, Kafui was fully awake, and she was bubbling on the inside. She briefly considered confiding in her sister, but she knew that her sister would hate her for it because she wasn't a murderer, nor was she aware that her older sister was. For her mother, she wanted to surprise her.

Abena had a bright smile on her face as she skipped towards her sister. It was so bright that it made Kafui suspicious.

The younger princess grabbed her sister by the arm, taking her to the back of the royal carriage so that no one could listen in. That day, Abena looked better than ever. She wore a black top and black leggings, accompanied with a black leather jacket.

Black was really her colour. It harmonised with her black lips, black hair and the black kohl around her eyes. With her piercings, she looked fierce, but she was really a soft, cuddly person.

"You won't believe what happened last night!" the princess squealed, jumping up and down and taking Kafui's arm along with her.

If Kafui confided in her, she wouldn't believe what happened the night before. "What happened, Abena?"

She came closer. "My prince came to visit me last night, in my tent. He showed me what was between his legs."

Kafui gasped, turning to her sister with her eyes wide. In any other case, Kafui would've been mortified that her sister was looking at men's vaginas, but in this case, she realised that the king hadn't come alone. He'd come with someone, and that someone would've known that he came to her tent. If that person had known and they'd found his body, it would've been too suspicious. She should've hidden the body, but it wasn't too late. They still had time before they set off.

She was about to tear herself away from her sister's hold when the blabbermouth continued her tale.

"Kafui, it is the most majestic thing ever! It was soft at first, then when I stared at it some more, it suddenly became hard! The prince said I might have some superpowers, since that only happens to it when he's asleep — he sees the effect when he wakes up. He was so infuriating and cocky, but not in an annoying way, if you catch my drift. He was so sweet and he looks so much different from us; he has no breasts! Well, he has something like that but they're different. I didn't get to see them because he wouldn't take his shirt off. He said that would've been too far."

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