Separate Ways

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"Separate Ways"

You know I still love you

Though we touched

And went our separate ways

- Journey

Hopper came out of the drugstore into the warmth of a summer evening. His bag was heavier than usual because he was bringing Eleven some treats—a coloring book and a big box of crayons and a couple of bags of candy. His own prescription load was down significantly since he'd brought her home, as was his beer consumption. He had kicked the hard alcohol almost entirely, not wanting her to see him drunk and maudlin. She'd been through enough without that.

He was feeling pretty good, walking down the street, when he recognized the couple in front of him—Joyce and Bob the Brain. Bob had his arm around Joyce's shoulders, and they looked ... comfortable.

Hopper had known about them since he and Joyce had taken Will to the specialist, but he had managed to avoid actually seeing them together until just now, and he felt weird about it. Not that he and Joyce had ever talked about anything happening between them, but ... it could have. And, regardless, he felt protective of her. Always had. Bob was a good guy, but was he good enough?

The question now was whether he said something to them or not. He was only a little way behind them, he could easily speed up and wish them a nice night. Would that be awkward, or would it be more awkward if he turned off without speaking to them and one of them saw him?

It occurred to him that if he sped up and spoke to Bob, it would tell Joyce he was happy for her. Maybe she deserved that. God knew she had never been happy with Lonnie, and the years after Lonnie left hadn't been easy, either, not to mention what she had been dealing with since Will's initial disappearance. She deserved what Bob had to offer—whole-souled devotion to her, and a sincere belief that there was no greater joy to be had in the world than dating Joyce Byers. Maybe there wasn't, Hopper conceded.

He sped up just enough to catch up with them. "Well, hey, look who it is. Hey, Joyce."

She was smiling as she turned her head to look at him, but there was a wariness in her eyes.

Hopper smiled, too, hoping to dispel the wariness, although he'd been told his smile could be disturbing, especially if he didn't mean it. "Bob, right? Bob from high school?"

Bob's smile was easy and genuine, not disturbing at all. He took his arm from around Joyce's shoulders to shake Hopper's hand. "Yeah, that's me. Bob Newby. Chief Hopper, it's nice to see you."

Well, Bob won that one. He had tried to put Bob in his place by going back to high school and Bob had reminded him in the friendliest possible terms that they were all grown up now. Point to Bob, Hopper thought ruefully. "You folks out for dinner?"

"We're thinking of taking in a movie. The kids are all excited about this Ghostbusters film, but there's one out about a kid who does karate that looks pretty good, too—what do you think?"

Hopper hadn't seen a movie in years. He had only the faintest idea what Ghostbusters was about, and wondered if anything with that title was a good idea for Joyce. But surely she knew what was good for her better than he did. "If the kids are into it, probably a good idea to see it," he said, giving Joyce a genuine smile. "Always good to know what those little guys are up to."

"That's a good point," Bob said enthusiastically. "Between you and me, it's a little uncomfortable with the boys sometimes. I know electronics, so that helps, but having a little more common ground could be a good idea. What do you think, Joyce?"

"I said I'm happy to see whatever." She seemed like it, too. "I kind of miss the days when Will wanted to see movies with me, so at least we'll be able to talk about this one if I see it."

"Ghostbusters it is, then." Bob put his arm back around Joyce's shoulders. "We should hurry if we're going to get good seats."

"Well." Hopper felt uncomfortable now, not sure how to get out of the situation gracefully, since they had both mostly forgotten he was there. "Nice running into both of you. Enjoy your movie."

"'Night, Hop." Joyce's smile said she was glad he'd decided to be on his best behavior, making all the awkwardness worth it.

"Chief, good to see you," Bob said briskly. He steered Joyce in the direction of the movie theater, leaving Hopper standing on the sidewalk watching them go. He was feeling bereft and lonely until he felt the weight of the bag he carried and remembered that he, too, had someone to go home to.

Eleven must be lonely sitting at home, he thought with a pang of guilt. She'd have liked to go see a movie, too. He wondered if there was a way to manage it. In a disguise, maybe? But everyone would notice if he showed up with her and there would be questions, and even if Hawkins Lab didn't get wind of it children's services might. The idea of Eleven taken away from him turned his bones to ice. No, he couldn't risk that. Looking down at the bag, he thought maybe she needed something more than coloring books and candy. Maybe he'd drive through McDonald's and bring her home a Happy Meal.

Deep down was the uneasy knowledge that no Happy Meal could make up for friends and school and a normal life, and someday he was going to have to deal with that. But someday wasn't today, and he could wait before he shared her with the world ... just a little longer.

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