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" What is this monstrosity?" Seokjin yells out in horror.

" Umm a chocolate fondue, sir." Answered Jimin timidly as he took a step towards Seokjin.



" I told him so." Said the girl smugly.

" Yes sir."

Jin slaps his forehead and looked at the dish with disgust.

" Does this not... I don't know... LOOK LIKE COW DUNG TO YOU?!"

Jimin pouted and crossed his arms.

" Well maybe if you gave me more time to melt the chocolate I might've actually-"

His reply made Seokjin even more furious.

" Was 45 minutes not enough you twerp?!"

Jimin shook his head.

" It requires-"

" Shut up."

The purple haired man then took a spoonful of the said 'fondue', not before tapping it and playing around with the dish though.

" You're so lucky I like chocolate."

He then took a big bite out of it, tossed it around in his mouth for a good 5 seconds, then proceeded to spit it out.

" Disgusting."

Jimin looked like he was about to cry but Seokjin glared at him and pointed a finger at him.

" Man up. I don't like pussies."

Jimin straightened up his body immediately.

" Yes... Sir."

Seokjin then proceeded to grab a dish from the ladies table.

" Ooh, looks fancy, who's is this?"

Chae raises her hand, not before tucking her hair behind her ear.

" So far, your's looks the most presentable-"

Chae smiles flirtatiously until Seokjin continues speaking.

"- still shitty as fuck though. It's okay, its still the best of the worst so far..."

Chae hid her disappointment and continued to smile.

" What's your dish called?"

" Mediterranean shrimp kabobs and a side of citrus salad."

Seokjin puts the dish down and claps.

" Now that, is what I call classy... Hear that Jimin? Your chocolate pisa tower is a flop."

Jimin crossed his arms and glared at the girl standing and smirking next to him.

" Bitch." He muttered silently.

Unfortunately for him, the girl has really sensitive ears. She whipped her head to face the annoyed male.

" Excuse me? What did you just say? I hope you just said something that rhymed with bitch because I have a black belt in karate."

" I said die in a ditch you hoe! Come at me, you can't possibly hit me without ruining those precious acrylics-"

Chae cocked her head and cracked her knuckles before smiling cynically.

" Now you're just asking for it... "

Jimin smirked at her.

" Come at me bitch."

" Psst... Sir aren't you gonna stop them?" Whispered a concerned cameraman to Seokjin.

" Nah, this is way more entertaining..." He answered while eating one of Chae's kebobs. " Plus I sense some sexual tension."

Chae was in the middle of taking her dangly earrings off when she heard what Seokjin said. Again... Sensitive ears. The fuming male turned towards Seokjin too.

" Are you dense?"

" Sexual tension my ass."

Said both of them at the same time and oh boy, did Jin not appreciate it.

" I'm older than you, stop speaking so rudely and informally or I'll have no choice but to let you go."

Chae stepped forward and placed her hands on the table as she leaned towards the tall male.

" I've watched hell's kitchen, that's not how it goes... You've lost the blonde bimbo, you can't possibly eliminate any off us now-"

Seokjin narrowed his eyes. The girl had a point, but she was also all up in his personal space. He raised his pointer finger and pushed her head away.

" Doesn't matter. I like your dish, now go make out with Jimin or something and get out of my sight."


Seokjin tsked, " I don't like you though, so get back in line or head into the janitors closet with Jimin and sort out your differences."

Chae grumbled before obliging. Lissly smirked and whispered.

" Lmao loser."

Chae looked at her angrily.

" Did you just say lmao? Who the fuck says that boomer..."

Lissly just rolled her eyes at the comment.

Seokjin then opened another dish from the men's table.

An almost empty bowl of soup.

Seokjin didn't even bother asking as he tossed the bowl into the trashcan. As he did, the heart of a certain bunny boy broke. He worked so hard to cook that, it was a family recipe too... All his hard work was thrown away just like that and he didn't like it.

"Now-" Seokjin began before he was interrupted by Jungkook.

" Excuse me, that wasn't very nice. I worked hard for that! It was a family recipe."

Seokjin just rolled his eyes. " Well it's in the trash now kid, just tell me your recipe and then I'll judge it."

" Its a family recipe though-"

" Do i care?"

" I suppose not." The younger fiddled with his fingers before continuing.

" So first you go to your local supermarket and get a can of mushroom soup, then you open it-"

Seokjin grabbed Chae's salad and threw it at him.

" Shut up, I'm losing braincells. How is that a family recipe?"

" I was just gonna tell you-"

" How you managed to change that white mushroom cream soup to red doesn't matter to me. "

Jungkook looked away sadly and walked back.


" The mushroom soup was just there as an energy meal for the chef. My mom says it's necessary for the chef to have energy! "

Why was your soup red then?

" Like I said, family recipe. That's a tomato soup with seared lamb and basil. Not a red mushroom soup. "

The cameraman looked at each other in awe, and Jungkook just stood up and left.




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