Bio, Semblance, Weapons

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Name: Y/n Gremory

Age: 17


Height: 6 ft 1

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Height: 6 ft 1

Personality: like his father, except the sarcasm and sadistic.

Likes: his family, swords, faunuses, training, team RBWY, JNPR, puns.

Dislikes: Racists, CRDL, White Fang, James Ironwood, Adam Taurus, rich snobs, Jacques, Whitely.

Semblances: Elemental Phoenix

Info: This is the most powerful Semblance that was never been found by mankind. This legendary power can manipulate any elements that the user wants or needs.


Fireball, Firewall, Flame Riot, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Flame Charge, Fire Blast, Ember, Heatwave, Sacred Fire, Flaring Storm. (doubles the power when it's sunny.)


Iceball, Icewall, Iceberg, Snowstorm, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Glacial Lance, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Avalanche, Ice Punch, Hail, Freeze, Ice of Rewget (doubles the power when it's snowy.)


Shockwave, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Bolt Strike, Eerie Impulse, Shockweb, Lightning of Zedan. (Doubles the power when it's storming.)


Rock Throw, Rock Smash, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Solid Strike.  (The more the user got hit, the more powerful the moves are.)


Solar Beam, Seed Bomb, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Leaf Storm, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Energy Ball (Solar Beam shoots immediately when it's sunny.)


Earthquake, Mud Splash, Bulldoze, Volcanic Punch. (doubles the power when it's sandstorm.)


Iron Leg, Gyroball, Metal Claw, Sunsteel Strike, Armor, Headbutt, Titanium Spike.


Hydro pump, Water pulse, Waterfall, Whirlpool, Aqua Shield. (doubles the powers when it's raining or on the water.)


Healing Pillar, Light of Vanguard, Holy Strike. (Works better at daytime.)


Shadow Ball, Hex, Dream Eater, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Devil's Gates. (Doubles the power when it's nighttime.)


Air Slash, Hurricane, Gust, Aerial Ace, Whirlwind, Spirals of Geztro (doubles the power when it's windy.)

Weapons: His weapons are a red katana that can changes into a sniper rifle that will shoot at 2000 miles at best. The bullets are infused with Dust. When the enemy is close, it can turned back into a powerful gauntlet.

A whip that can immobilized everyone near it. It can also changes into a Magnum and a Handknife.

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