Chapter 1: Enter Samantha Walters

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(Y/n's P.O.V)

It's been two weeks since our arrival at Remnant. I gotta say, I like it here. The streets is crowding, interesting shops and stores. Big sis told me to to stay at her house until I got accepted into Beacon. She said that it's one of the best academies in this world.

Now I'm playing patty cake with my nieces. They're so cute. Apparently, she has to go somewhere far to get something that is very important. I wonder what is it? An ancient weapon? A secret hideout? No one knows. What I know is she won't be back until tonight.

(9:30 p.m)

"... and the prince has slain the dragon, rescued the princess and lived happy ever after. The end." I closed the fairy tale book and saw my nieces have fallen asleep. I smiled and kissed both their foreheads, saying goodnight and left. But before that, I called out my sister's maid to keep an eye on them while I'm heading out.


During the midnight walking, as soon as I walk pass the alleyway, a scream was lead out. It was a woman's voice.


"Screaming won't help you, human."

"Now hold still."

I slowly walk through the alley. I got closer and a girl with purple hair, dress was ruined and was crying. Two male voices earlier are wearing a weird mask. It's probably the White Fang members. I yelled out.

"Hey! Leave that girl alone!"

They turn around and saw me.

"Shit! A human!"

"Well." The first one takes out a knife. "Let's kill him."

I started my Semblance as the first guy approaching me.

First, I used Mud Splash on his eyes to lower his sight and accuracy. Then I used Ice Beam on the ground to make him fall. The second guy jumps at me, I hold my hand and used Thunderbolt on the guy, paralyzing him for a while. Then I used Fire Blast on him, burning him in progress. I rushed at the blinded one and used Gyroball on his stomach, shredding his organs.

Now the last guy is left. The man is shaking in fear while holding his puny knife. I walk towards him and was about to use a move. But I stopped. The man looked confused until I took out a magnum, shot the man that was about to backstab me. I turn around and saw him peed his pants. Gross.

"Take your men with you and never bother us again." He nodded rapidly and started carrying his men. The second guy slowly getting up, also carrying one of his.

"We're so sorry, mister human."

"We won't bother you ever again."

Well that's a relief. I look back to the girl earlier.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Y-Yes." The girl stuttered.

I took out my coat and placed it on her shoulders.

"You should be careful. There are terrible people wandering the city. Let me help you." I then carried her bridal style making her blush.

"Where's your house?"

"Over there 4 blocks away." She pointed that the direction.

I the walk to where she pointed at. Few minutes later, we arrived at a decent house.

"Is this it?"

"Yes. You can put me down now. We're safe now."

"Alright." I put her down.

"Thank you for saving me earlier, mister..."

"Y/n. Y/n Gremory. And you're.."

"Samantha. Thank you for what you have done to me."

"It's not a big deal. Take care, Sam." I walk back.

(Samantha's P.O.V)

"Y/n..." I look at my savior's back as he went back to the streets. He's like a knight in shining armor, rescuing the princess. I remember my mom told me a story before I went to bed.

(Flashback 10 years ago.)

"A mysterious man in armor entering a cave with his sword and shield on. He approach the dragon with determination to rescue the princess." Mom told me the story making me feel interested.

(Back to the present.)

I can already picture myself the princess and him the knight. Alter he had slain the dragon, he carried the princess to safety. And they got married and make love to each other. I blushed and rubbed my legs. He's my knight. My love. My everything.

I hope we met again someday, Y/n. I just know it.

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