Chpt 12

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Mani POV
Same day 2614 words

" what y'all been up to the past two , three weeks?" I ask them. We were all sitting at the dinner table eating. I called Kira to come over but she had to work so she'll probably be over when she gets off. They had a big dinner table with three chairs On Each side and one on both ends. We were sitting in a square. Zaza was sitting next to me and jaja and Trell were sitting next to each other.

" bestie we been bored without you and hungry asl" zaza says with a mouth full of mashed potatoes. I flinch when a piece flew out his mouth.
" sowwie" he says swolling some of the food.
"Eww" jaja says making a disgusted face

" this y'all first home cooked meal?"
I knew this niggas had been eating Uber eats and cereal.

" basically beside noodles and door dash and shit"

" y'all need to learn how to cook" I tell them cutting into my steak.
" that's why we got you bestie" zaza hugs me as best as he can sitting next to me.
" tuh I ain't always gonna be here" i scoff

" you known for that" I roll my eyes choosing to ignore Dontrell comment.

" right sissy you did us some slight today" I nod turning my attention to Dontrell whose mugging his plate with his thinking face on .

How I fuck up with a bitch this bad? She can cook and all? I need to be hospitalized for insanity.

That's just my guess on what's going through his mind. When he looks up at me our eyes lock. Those eyes that used to shine whenever we connected eyes now they all dull and have pain and regret In them. I blink turning my attention back to my plate before looking back up he's still looking at me blankly grinding his teeth.

What the fuck wrong with him?

" you okay?" He nods looking down before doing it again.

We finish the rest of out dinner laughing about zaza and his honey bun addiction. Talking about what they been up to and ect. Everyone except Dontrell his punk ass attitude gonna get his knocked out.

I was clean the kitchen putting up the left overs when my phone rings.
" hey"
" wassup babygirl" I notice he's laying down in a black room.
" how was yo day?" I smile leaning my elbows on the counter cupping my check smiling.
" good and busy ;I'm tired" he yawns
" did you eat?" He shakes his head with his eyes slightly closed.

" tana go eat" I tell him.
" I will later what you been up to?"
" Same as earlier I just got done eating and feeding my cildren." I laugh
" sister can you- who you on the phone with?" Jaja rushed to snatch my phone before I can say anything.

" jaja stop"
" ZaZa INTER-AGATE" seconds later Zaza dashes threw the door in a despicable me onesie.
Where does this nigga get this shit from?
" who?"

" him" jaja waves the phone in the air.
" give me my damn phone" I chase after them.
" nope we finna have a little conversation with him if he gonna be FaceTime with my bestie." They sit down on the couch me across from them with my arms crossed.

They set the phone up.
" so what's your name?" Zaza asks with a pencil and a pad. His legs folded.

Where the fuck did he get that from?

" tana"
" real name?" Jaja states
" don't trip" zaza and jaja look at eachother then back at the phone.

" when did you meet my bestie and where?" Zaza asks

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