Chpt 27

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Dontrell pov

" hello? Mani you okay?" I asked as I got complete silence.

"Y yes bbbbbaby?"i watched her smile tilting her head.

" m-"
" let me suck yo dick. Has your dick got bigger they say when you get older yo dick grows and it was already big so. Wait no I don't wanna suck yo dick no more it's gonna hurt" she pouted

My eyebrows frowned as I realized she was drunk. Mani doesn't even like the smell of liquor.

" how much did you drink baby?" If she was sober she would've cussed me out for calling her that.

" bbbaaby? Bibity bopity bop. I hate you you know that?" I looked down at the two toddlers in sleeping in my lap with a frown.

A drunk mouth speaks sober thoughts. A drunk person actions also shows who they really are. I also expected nothing else but for her to hate me.

" huh did you?" She slurred as she hiccuped
I nodded standing up walking into the living room.

I knew she was gonna continue so I stayed quiet.

" only one good thing came out of our relationship and that's my daughter" I smiled and nodded.

" and I really pray that she doesn't get your karma and get treated how you treated-"

" I have always treated you like a queen"
" not when you wear cheating on me, making babies without me, not when you disappointed and let me down all through out our relationship, not when you hit me that time, not when you broke me in the worst moment of my life, not when you said I cheated on you and got pregnant " like the whore I am". What about them times did you still treat me like a queen" she smirked holding eye contact with me. My breathing picked up as I felt my eyes brim with tears that I was holding back.

" now you want to cry? Cry I need you to cry so you can feel how I felt. I need you to cry so I know you feel back and I won't make you hurt"

" I can't wait till them niggas catch you"my eyes snapped towards the phone seeing her shaking her head.

" w-what?" I croaked out.
" I can't wait till then niggas catch you so you can be gone forever not temporarily"

" you want me to die?" I narrowed my eyes at her only for her to smirk.

" I want you to suffer. I want you to fall in love again and get cheated on. I want the person you fall in love with to break you down in the most unimaginable ways. I want you to feel a pain in your heart that makes you want to die." I let a tear fall. Feeling a pain in my chest.

I did a lot to this girl. I think overall I brought more pain and agony than I did love.

" ok" I whispered
" fucking stupid ass" she said before hanging up. I just stared at the phone as tears streamed down my face. My face was starting to feel dry, my eyes were burning, my head felt like it had been smashed into a concrete wall several times, my heart wanted to stop beating.

She didn't have to wait for me to fall in love with someone else so they could break my heart because she had already done that. The person I loved with everything in me and this world. Wanting nothing to die with me unless it was attending my funeral.

I suddenly threw my phone at the wall shattering it. I stood up without hesitation putting my foot through the tv. I didn't even care about the fact I now had glass in my leg.
I grabbed it throwing it into the stair case.

I cried as I punched everything in sight. I grabbed the game system throwing it against the wall.

My knuckles and leg was bleeding. I went to the dinning room punching the huge glass table multiple times. Hearing a crack in my fist each time also more blood.

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