Chpt 14

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Mani POV
Two days later
Home Chicago IL 3175 words

" bestieeee"
" huh? Wher-bestieee?"

Is the first thing I hear when I walk into my second period class. I walk over to the table of desk we usually sit at everyday.

" hey" I wave as they just stare at me.
" hey? That's all your ass been gone for 5 days where the fuck you been at zamani?" Trell leans forward staring at me. I look down at the ground fidgeting with my fingers.

The past five days I've spent two with Santana and then came back home and got a hotel. I used that time to think about everything and that's been going on. I forgave trell, it's no use in holding on to anger because one day he could be infront of me and the next day he wouldn't be on this earth. And I just to say  I love this man to much to just throw our relationship away but I know my worth and I won't let him treat me anything less than that.

We both said and did hurtful things to each other; him more than me but that's besides the point. I spent a day at the spa just to myself without my cellphone; no technology really and just enjoyed myself and enjoyed my own company sometimes that's all people need time to themselves.

I had to come back tho. Since we only had three day weekend and  I missed two days of school so.

When I look up zaza and jaja don't even look at me they barely acknowledge my presence. I know it wasn't fair to just bail but I needed space plus I missed my brother and bestfriends including trell fine toxic ass .

" I just needed time to myself" I try to explain
" you could've still called and told us you were ok" trell softens his tone.
" I did call I talked to my daddy" zaza scoffs
" yeah before yo ass went off the grid" he says harshly.

Zaza has abandonment issues since his parents died when he was little he never  really had anyone to take care of him. He was looking out for himself until he turned 16 and when his auntie kicked him out for having sex In Her apartment he been on his own besides having my dad and the boys.

" bestfriend I'm sorry" I poke my bottom lip out.
" sure" he goes back to playing his games on his phone.

Imma have to talk to him later.

" Kira"
" it's okay I forgive you I was just worried. You could've have let me know." She hugs me
" I love you"
" I love you to" she sits back down next to jaja.

" sister come here" he squeals.
" brother" I enbrace him in a hug.
He squeezes me. Muffing my head he says" don't ever do no shit like that again"
I nod smiling. Before mugging his ass back.
" keep them Kira clit masssagers to yourself" I laugh. 

The sound of a chair screeching across the floor makes us look at trell. He walks out of the room slamming the door.

Oh my god his dramatic ass.

Looking at my teacher he nod his head giving me permission. I know exactly where he went.

Walking into the library corner I see Dontrell sitting on a stack of books. He says he likes coming in here because he likes the quiet expecially because he always has people talking in his ear. He has his head in his hands. I go to pull at his hand to lift his head but he refuses.

" I'm sorry mani i fucked up I didn't mean non of the shit I said to you. I'm sorry I cheated even though we never stated verbally that we were in a commitment we still knew what it was. That was wrong of me and I'm sorry I pulled a gun on you and had somebody fuck up yo friend. But baby please I need you I ain't been right since we ain't been right. It's been thirty-five days since we been us. I can't function right knowing that we not right. I can't eat ,sleep ,I been off angry baby I'm sorry please forgive me"  by the time he's done he has his face hidden into my stomach with his arms wrapped around my waist.

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