Chpt 22

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Kira POV
Chicago IL 1928 words

I squeezed my eyes from the sun coming through my lids. I slowly lazily open my eyes reaching over to the night stand I grab my phone to see I have several missed calls from an unknown number and others. I head to the bathroom doing my hygiene and get dressed.

" hello?" I answer without looking
"Girl it's 8  o'clock in the after noon and you just getting up?" I recognize dee voice
" girl let me sleep the fuck" I bucked even though she couldn't see me.

" anyway that's not why I called where my man?" I scrunched my face up

" why the fu-" I get outta bed checking his room and calling their names." They not here" i mutter to myself.

" hold up" I end the call answering manis.

" he—"

" Kira" she cries
" what's wrong? What happened? You okay?"
" I haven't slept in about 3 days I need my b-baby" I give her a sympathetic look twisting my lips to the side not knowing what to say.

" mani it's ok he gonna be home soon"
" but it's been two months" she exclaims anger evident in her voice.
" imma call you back" I hang up dialing our pops number.

" hey baby girl" he smiles when my face pops up
" hey daddy can you go lay with mani?" He scrunches his face up in disgust and confusion.
" she need trell ass to sleep and obviously she can't do that so she ain't been sleeping and when we was little she used to always lay with you and be out like a light" he nods understanding

" I feel like this shit breaking my baby" he sighs pushing his dreads back. I hear shuffling.

" we gonna go talk to the lawyer later cause this sum petty shit dawg"

" I know they really doing to much"

" imma call you back baby"
" ok I love you"
" I love you to"

This is all beginning to be a little to much; mani not her normal self the boys becoming more cold since they gotta handle more shit than usual. Usually they don't tell us about they drug shit but it's all coming back to us from different people. About a new shoot out they had or drive by or a new beef.

This trell situation ain't making it no better his ass need to come in and come home so we can go back to normal.

I kneel inform of the bed folding my hands.
" dear father god I know you hear me and j know I have t spoke to you in a long time but I need you right now father god. I just need you to protect Dontrell, James, zaheim. I know they have sinned but I'm asking you to look over that and forgive and just keep them safe. Father god I am asking you to heal my bestfriend broken heart right now father asking you to give health to desire grandma father god. Health and prosperity to all those father god. Amen."

After I jump in the shower I get dressed in a long black dress with black Sandals and grab a purse.


Me: wya?
Me: why you didn't come home? You promised are you hurt?🤕
8:47 delivered
Me: all hell finna break lose if you don't text me back. 1:50 delivered
8:10 delivered.
Me: can you just let me know if your ok😥
9:31 delivered

I grab a pair of his car Keyes from the drawer. I really need to go get my own car. What if he not already? What if he dead in a ditch somewhere? Nope not gonna play the what if game. Cause I know as soon as my messages say read imma get to beating ass.

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