Tegan : morning
Romeo ; look who just got in
Tegan : yh i stayed with Jonah the night
Romeo : kinda gatherd but i gotta go to set u coming with
Tegan : uh sure
Romeo : lets go then

I walk out the door getting in Romeos car and he drives to set and he goes and get his hair makeup and changes out fits. And i chill in the back room going on my phone for ages and watching Romeo act

Romeo ; yo
Tegan : yo
Romeo : u enjoying being here
Tegan : yh its better then being at your hella bored
Romeo : yh but i am done for a while so wanna grab lunch
Tegan ; sure i am straving
Romeo : do u wanna eat here or a proper place off set
Tegan : don't mind
Romeo : lets eat off set come on
Tegan : ok

We head to his car and he drives to a cafe and we order our food

Tegan ; i spoke to your on screen sister
Romeo : nimah
Tegan ; yh she plays very people
Romeo : yh in the shows shes feisty and mean
Tegan : but in real life shes really nice and careing
Romeo : yh
Tegan : right what has been your favorite sence to film
Romeo : i already know this here

Tegan ; of course your favorite sence is when u have your shirt off
Romeo : i know but like i look in shape and i kiss someone
Tegan : mhm
Romeo : your favorite sence

Romeo : u say about me and my shirt look at u

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; yh but i haven't filmed this sence yet but i got the script throw a few weeks ago and i know it will be my favorite
Romeo : ah ok

We carry on talking and we eat and then he drops me home  and i chill out for a bit . And then i get an uber to jonahs hotel

Tegan : heyho
Jonah : right
Tegan : how was your show
Jonah : it was good but food shower sleep
Tegan : i was wondering what the smell was
Jonah : oi don't turn back into your old self
Tegan : i can't help u bring the bad side of me out
Jonah : i guess we can't see each other again
Tegan : noo we see each other again
Jonah : ok

I take his hands

Jonah : we still need to go on a date
Tegan : yh we do
Jonah : well i have half a day tomrrow before i head off to Birmingham so we can do something tomrrow
Tegan : ok
Jonah : what do u wanna do
Tegan ; i don't mind
Jonah : your a help
Tegan : sorry
Jonah ; its gotta be some thing kinda quiet tho
Tegan : i honestly don't mind like we don't even have to go out we can chill out here go to my brothers.
Jonah : lets just see tomrrow
Tegan ; ok
Jonah : now food what are u having
Tegan : eaten
Jonah ; lame making me eat on my own again
Tegan : sorry
Jonah : what ever

He orders his food

Jonah : what u done today
Tegan : went to set with romeo then we got food i went back to his ate more chilled then u messaged me
Jonah ; ok
Tegan : so me and romeo were talking and i was like whats your favorite sence you've done . He showed me and i was like of course its a sence where he takes his shirt off. 
Jonah : i swear he loves taking shirt off
Tegan : he does like he says when no ones home he walks around naked so I'm scared of places to sit cause like i don't know where his bear ass has sat
Jonah ; i guess hes proud of his body
Tegan : i think so
Jonah : yh
Tegan : buy anyway Romeo asked me whats been my favorite sence to film and i showed and i didn't think and it was sence with my shirt off aswell . So i think me and him are the same
Jonah ; i need see that sence

I shake my head

Jonah : have u had to kiss poeple
Tegan : a few
Jonah : how many is a few
Tegan ; 3 and i know I've got anuther 1 coming up
Jonah : your gonna be kissing someone eww
Tegan : i kissed u thats ew
Jonah : rude
Tegan : meh
Jonah : meh

He kisses me

Tegan : no sleep
Jonah : no u sleeping
Tegan : watch me

I get under the covers

Jonah : who sleeps facing up
Tegan : me
Jonah : omg u werido
Tegan ; i know now leave
Jonah : my hotel room
Tegan : mine now night
Jonah : no u aren't sleeping

He trys pulling the covers off but i don't let him and the door goes so he gets it and its his food so he eats.

Jonah : right
Tegan : right what
Jonah : i don't know
Tegan : u good
Jonah : don't know

I give him a weird look

Jonah : I'm tired but I'm not sleeping cause i can lay in tomrrow
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so your not sleeping
Tegan : i am
Jonah : no

He lays on me and I start hysterically laughing

Jonah : u staying up
Tegan : yes i am get off me

He gets off

Tegan : your a meanie not letting me sleep
Jonah ; do i care no
Tegan : maybe i should expose u to your fan show the real u
Jonah : don't fans have already spotted us like when were in Australia getting lunch pitures u getting taken into the venue yesterday .
Tegan : its a joke
Jonah : i know but u know
Tegan ; we keepin things quiet and low key
Jonah : yh like management and stuff
Tegan : what is yout management like
Jonah : there good but they want us to keep quiet about a lot of stuff because they want us to keep a good reputation .
Tegan : ok
Jonah : i gotta a question to ask
Tegan : I'm listening
Jonah ; i know we haven't even go on a date yet but we've been messgaing and calling for ages . So do u maybe i want to be my girlfriend

I nod my head

Tegan : yes
Jonah : u will
Tegan : yes but u have got to be ok with my kissings guys when im acting
Jonah : i will make myself ok with it but u good with me being round a lot of girls
Tegan : its what u got to do im fine with it
Jonah : ok
Tegan ; we gotta make long dictence thing work
Jonah : were make it work mean next year me and the boys are taking a lot break to work on a new album and relax . So i can come out and see u
Tegan : and i have time off next year aswell so i can see u aswell
Jonah : thats good
Tegan : yh were make it work
Jonah : apart from tomrrow we aren't gonna see each other till the end of November .
Tegan : well i don't know about that i normally film in Melbourne but were doing this massive thing . And it means me leaving Melbourne for a few weeks
Jonah : ugh
Tegan : i will try my best to stay in Melbourne while your there but i just don't know
Jonah : no works got to be your priority if u have to work , work and were figure out when we can see each other

I nod my head

Tegan : I'm sorry
Jonah : its ok

I hug him and he pulls me ontop of him and i kiss him and he kisses me back . Swiping his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . And he trys pulling my shirt of but it doesn't work

Jonah : what the fuck why isn't it coming off
Tegan ; its a bodysuite
Jonah ; whats a bodysuite
Tegan : its like a adult baby grow

We both start laughing

Jonah ; oh i don't care

He flips us over so hes on top

And u know what happend and this is the end of the story hope u enjoyed

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