chapter 1 ✔️

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"nice to finally formally meet you"———Ginneys POV:

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"nice to finally formally meet you"
Ginneys POV:

First day in my new school.
I was hella nervous.
A new place with new people, possible new friends and strangers.
I was walking down the hallway. I didn't really know what I was doing or where I was going.
I was just looking down. A few pieces of my own hair were hanging right in front of my eyes and face, one hand in my pocket and the other one holding my geography and math books.
I looked up from my shoes and suddenly I bumped into someone random while walking:
"Hey! Watch it you freak" they said to me. I stopped and turned around. There were two boys facing me. Both of them had light brown hair and greenish eyes and they were taller than me. They had angry looks on their faces, like they were going to burst into rage and pride in no time.
"Did you just call me a freak?" I said pointing to one of them and taking a step forward. I usually don't speak up my mind but something in me just said to do so in this
particular situation.
"Yeah I did, what are you going to do about it" he said loudly, almost yelling at me. There were now already some people circling around us. Some tears started to come out of my eyes. "Oh, now she's crying" they teased to me. I tried walking past them but they grabbed me right from my wrist.
"What are you going to do, go and tell your mommy?" they yelled twisting my wrist. More tears started to come out of my eyes, not because I was super scared, I was just angry. I have been bullied before so I knew I could handle this but this time it came a little bit out of nowhere and it scared me.
"Let go of her!" I heard someone yell. I saw a boy. He was wearing a big blue jacket and a colorful beanie and he had a crutch.
I sighed a little as I saw him.
He sure came right on time.
"Well look. The super freak has arrived" the other twin said as he looked over and walked right up to him. He took him by the throat and raised him up, ready to punch him in the face.
Right when things were going to get a little bit out of hand, a teacher arrived.
His face was bright red from anger:
"knock it off!" He shouted as he took the two taller boys out of the whole situation. "Why is it always the breyer brothers?!" I heard him say as he walked away with the two boys.
There were still people staring at the scene
and me and the blue-jacket-boy.
"The show is over, alright, nothing to see anymore" I shrugged glancing to the people surrounding us.
I looked at the blue jacket wearing boy who was just standing there. He basically stood up to me in this "fight"
"A-Are you ok?" I asked him carefully. He looked up to me, "oh no yeah I'm fine-" He practically said, shrugging his shoulders.
I sighed in relief, feeling good that he seemed to be ok. "Hey, don't worry about me. I'm used to them bullying me for now. They have been doing it for...forever" he continued, this time a little quieter. I looked down on the ground: "Oh, I didn't realize, I'm sorry" I said, looking down. And suddenly my chopped nail polish was a lot more interesting than the conversation. "It's ok" he said. Then a silence filled the situation. Not like a good silence, but an awkward one. My head was still looking down on the ground and I played with my fingers. Then the boy finally said something to break the silence.
"I'm Freddy btw," he smiled. I looked up from the ground: "I'm Ginney, nice to finally formally meet you" I said with a big smile as I gestured my hand at him. He took my hand happily and gave it a good shake. "Are you new here?" he smiled. "Yeah I transferred here from Allentown!" I spoke. His eyes widened quickly: "oooh that's cool!" he smiled. I shrugged my shoulders: "Yeah I guess. But Philadelphia seems really nice so far" He showed me a weak smile: "Um- what class do you have next?"
"Math...unfortunately" I laughed. Suddenly Freddy seemed a little nervous. "Oh I have math too! You wanna- wanna walk together?" he smiled. I put a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled weakly: "sure" I said and took
his hand.

a/n: hello you beautiful humans.
Yes I know, this story was a Freddy x reader fanfiction at one point but I decided to edit it into another version...
hope you like it!
xo: Mads

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