chapter 4✔️

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"like some weirdo fanboy"

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"like some weirdo fanboy"


Ginneys POV:

It was a new day at school.
Me, Billy and Freddy were walking down the hallway. We're literally staring to form a trio.
Around us people were talking about all these videos of a superhero testing his powers. Apparently he is fireproof and can he crash rock columns with a single punch. He's really fast and he shots lightning's and electricity from his hands.
And yes. That superhero, is Billy.
"Have you seen the one where he throws the football into space?" we heard some girl talking to her friends. Freddy just rolled his eyes complaining loudly: "Hey you guys got to wonder about who's filming those? I mean that's bravery in on it itself!" He said, definitely wanting some attention, since he had filmed all those videos of Billy. "I mean is it though?" Billy shrugged. "Yeah I'd actually argue maybe even more brave!" Freddy continued. "Holding a camera?" Billy laughed at Freddy. I joined him: "Filming videos of a superhero?"
"No, staring in the face of danger!" Freddy argued. Billy just let out a small laugh. "Like some weirdo fanboy" he smirked. I
laughed along with him again.

We didn't make it so far 'till the Bryer brothers came towards us. "Oh look who it is. The nerd and the super nerd together" Brett suddenly popped up, first pointing to me and then Freddy. I rolled my eyes at him: "Oh shut up, it's not like he's my boyfriend!" I said. Burke grabbed Freddy from the collar of his shirt. "Hey Freeman" he said as he showed him an evil smirk and put his fist out. "I-I wouldn't do that if I were you" Freddy said looking at his fist. You could see a fear trough his eyes. "What is your bestie going to hit us with a wheelchair this time?" Brett mocked. I rolled my eyes at him again. "You know maybe I have Billy and Ginney but I also have another best friend who might hunt you down and destroy both of you" Freddy snapped. Billy's eyes immediately widened: "okay, Freddy..." Billy tried to calm Freddy down but he just kept going. "You may have heard of him. The Human Power Storm. Frequency Flinger. Sir Zaps-A-Lot...yeah, he's a man of many names" Freddy explained. "Freddy that's enough. Let it go" I tried to whisper to him but no, Freddy kept going. Burke suddenly showed Freddy a sarcastic smile: "You know the Red Cyclone? You? Ha! My ass you do" Burke snapped. "Oh we're a lot closer than you think! Maybe even at this very moment" Freddy continued. "Prove it" Burke said. It took Freddy a second to think: "Ah um well. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he's going to come to lunch." he said confidently while glancing at Billy. "And um- Right, Right Billy?" Freddy asked. Billy panicked and nodded his head nervously. I slapped Billy slightly to his arm with a nervous look on my face. "Oh yeah then Superman's going to be bringing us dessert, right?" Brett continued. Freddy was going to answer but the conversation was interrupted by the school bell. Freddy nodded his head:
"Tomorrow, at lunch. You'll see."
"And when he doesn't show. Then, we'll kick your ass" Burke said as he pat Freddy's cheek as a threadful and sarcastic way before he walked away with Brett.
Billy, Freddy and I stood there with our eyes wide. I guess Red Cyclone is coming to the cafeteria tomorrow.

"What just happened" I whisper yelled to Freddy and Billy. Freddy just shrugged his shoulders. "So wait, my identity is a secret so no one I know can get hurt...except when it makes you look cool" he pointed at Freddy "then it's all good" Billy talked, basically putting our last conversation together. "Billy it's not like they're supervillains they're just super douchebags!" Freddy said as his own defense. "So you're braking your own rule!? Got it." Billy continued and let out a scoff. "This thing is much as mine as it is yours!" Freddy continued. Billy shook his head: "I'm staring to think you think it's all your thing" he said before he entered a classroom. Freddy's jaw dropped immediately: "Billy you're still going to do it right? I mean what would a good brother do?" Freddy yelled after him and the classroom door closed, leaving me and Freddy in the hallway.
Freddy had an angry and hurt look on his face, like he had just been punched in the stomach. I put my hand on Freddy's shoulder: "Don't worry, he'll come around" I said to cheer him up. Freddy looked up to me: "Thanks you want to come over again today after school" he asked. "Sorry, I can't today. I need to help my parents to fix up our house
a little for Christmas" I said. Freddy looked a little disappointed for a moment. "Rain check?" I continued. Freddy showed me a weak smile: "Sure" he said. We continued to walk to class.
Our hands were brushing a little against each other. I looked up at Freddy and I saw his bright red face, which also made me blush.
"C-can I hold your hand?" Freddy asked me nervously. I let out a little laugh before answering: "sure." He smiled at me before he took my hand. His hand was soft and a little sweaty. But it was cute.
I got home from school. Today my mom and I were going to clean up the house for Christmas. I took my jacket off and my shoes and I made my way out of our vestibule. I could hear some mumbling coming from our living room. After a moment, it became louder. Like yelling.
"You don't understand! It's a bankruptcy! We're dead!" I heard my dad yell. "Well for the days we've been here, I have unpacked the boxes and tried to tidy up this place and you've just been working late!" I heard my mom yell. "Don't you get it! Now I don't have a job. I don't know if we are going to be capable to pay the rent. I'm trying my best and trying to do my parts to keep our family together" I heard my dad yell again. The rest of it was just yelling and screaming on top of each other. Some tears started to come into my eyes. I ran upstairs to my room and I slammed the door.
I cried right onto my pillow as I fell on my bed.
Our family has always been so...great. At least in my eyes. We've always gotten along. And I've never really heard my parents fight. Of course there has been some bickering but never really anything too bad.
After a while, I heard no speaking anymore. Just never ending silence. My parents must have stopped fighting.
I tightened my grip around my pillow before I heard a knock on my door. It was my mom:
"Sweetie, I'm so sorry you had to see us argue" she said as she made her way towards me. I just kept looking down, not saying anything to my mom. "It's just that, your Dad has been struggling now with money and he got a call today saying that the company his working for, has gotten a bankruptcy" my mom continued. "But how is it possible? He just stared working there!" I said, finally facing my mom. "A typhoon sank most of their cargo ships...But all we need to do now, is just keep our heads up and keep smiling" she finished. I showed my mom a weak smile before answering between tears: "I know mom. I love you guys" I said.
I hugged my mom tightly. "Now, can you help me clean up. We need to put up some Christmas decorations" my mom said to me. I nodded my head before I got out of my bed and I made my way out of my room.
a/n: yea I don't really know how to feel about this one but anyways
hope you all have/have had a great day!
xo: Mads

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