chapter 7✔️

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"well yes, yes I do"

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"well yes, yes I do"


Ginneys POV:

I was walking home from the carnival with my friends. Before that we had just took the
bad "bald" guys "monster ball" back to a lair, or as some say, The Rock Of Eternity.
And since no wizards live there anymore, it seems like the superhero's now also
have a lair!

I was walking next to Darla and Mary, behind us were Freddy and Billy and Pedro and Eugene were in the back of our little line.
Mary leaned up to me: "you know Ginney, I'm so glad that Freddy met you. You're making him so happy with just being there every day for him" she smiled. "Oh and trust me, Freddy is always talking about you at home. About how beautiful, thoughtful, amazing
and nice you are"
"Really?" I asked Mary who winked playfully at me. I looked behind me to see Freddy's face as red as a tomato. I turned my face back and a smirk popped on my face: "Well I do really like Freddy-"
"Ooo Ginney has a crush on Freds!" Darla joked at me. I giggled as I ruffled Darla's hair a little. "Well yes, yes I do" I joked back. Although true to be told, I wasn't really ''joking''. I really did like Freddy.
I continued walking before I heard someone touching my shoulder. I turned around, just to meet eyes with Freddy.
The rest of our group kept walking but I stopped right away as I locked my eyes with Freddy. I stared at his eyes... and then his lips.
Before I even realized it, I felt a pair of soft lips touching mine. I was a little shocked for a moment but after a few seconds I kissed him back. I felt light sparks underneath my skin. It felt like a magical moment, with the boy I adore. After a while, we pulled out.
I stared at Freddy's precious brown eyes.
"You know Ginney. I've been meaning to tell you this for a little while now but I've just never had the courage to say it out loud. But now I'm just going to say it: I think I...I love you"
My eyes widened and I took a step back.
It took me a second to process this:
I started to form words out of my mouth slowly: "Woah Freddy I- this was totally unexpected."
"I knew it, it was way too much, way too soon. You don't love me back" Freddy said quickly with a disappointed face.
"Freddy!" I practically shouted to him. He turned his face back to me.
"I- I love you too"
Freddy's face lit up: "you do?!"
A huge smirk popped on my face: "Yes I do Freeman, now just come here and kiss me"
Freddy attacked me into a kiss once again. We felt the spark, once again.
It felt like it was meant to be.
After we pulled out I looked further down the street. The rest of our group had left our sight.
"Um- we should probably catch up to the other's" I quickly said. Freddy grabbed me from my wrist before I could go anywhere.
"Wait! Just one more thing...will you please be my girlfriend?" He asked with a huge smile.
"Yes!" I almost jumped because of joy. Freddy let out a sigh of relief: "Great. Because if you had said no at this point it would've been super awkward" he laughed nervously. I rolled my eyes and gave Freddy a quick peck on the lips before we both started to walk together again, catching up to the rest of our group.
a/n: this one was a little shorter but FINALLY A CONFESSION! This chapter was so fun to write!
xo: Mads

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