chapter 2 ✔️

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"fight or invisibility?"———

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"fight or invisibility?"

Ginneys POV:

It was a lunch break on the first day of school.
I grabbed my food and I walked trough the cafeteria. I saw an empty table on the corner and I just decided to go sit there and eat my lunch alone, since I really didn't have any friends. I sat down and from the corner of my eye I saw Freddy walking up to me.
"Hey... um Ginney? You're sitting at our table" he said. I lift my head up and I saw Freddy with some other boy. I shrugged my shoulders as my eyes widened: "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know-" "it's ok, you can sit with us. Right?" Freddy cut me off and looked at the boy beside him. He nodded and they sat around me.
"So that's my friend...and basically my brother, Billy" Freddy said pointing to his friend. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Ginney" I said politely looking at him. "I know. Freddy was talking about you all the time in Spanish class" he practically laughed. I turned my head looking at Freddy "I wasn't!" Freddy stood up for himself as his cheeks turned slightly pink. I giggled at his facial expressions. "So are you new in town or?" Billy continued. "Yeah. I transferred from Allentown since my dad got
a job from Philadelphia" I explained.
He nodded at me.
"Hey, guys. Flight or invisibility? If you could have one superpower, flight or invisibility, what would you pick?" Freddy suddenly popped up. Billy and I just shrugged our shoulders. Freddy continued, not even letting us answer the question: "Everyone chooses flight! You know why?"
"So they could fly away from this conversation" Billy said sarcastically. I let out a weak snork as I looked down. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings but you know... that was kinda funny.
"No, because heroes fly! And who doesn't want people to think they're a hero right?" Freddy explained. I nodded while I continued eating my fries and listening to him talking, even though I wasn't really invested in this particular topic. Billy just got off the table so Freddy started to raise his voice: "But invisibility, no way. Like pfft...that's pervy! Spying around on people who don't even know you're there, sneaking around's a total villain power right!" He yelled. The whole cafeteria turned their heads to him and I and went silent looking at him. "Way to go Freddy" I whispered to him, feeling a little nervous. Freddy and I got off the table and started walking towards Billy. We threw our leftovers away...well basically Freddy threw his whole lunch tray away... and we made our way to the hallway next to Billy as Freddy continued explaining:
"Then they did this study. And they asked the same question, you know what power do you want...but this time, they made that the answers were anonymous. And most people, since they knew it was secret said invisibility. And I think that's because most people don't feel like heroes inside deep down-" Freddy stopped for a second as he saw Billy about to enter a classroom. "You're going to run away" he said and he stopped walking. Billy looked at Freddy with a confused look on his face as he stood by the door. "I mean, you stole my Superman bullet. Dude I get it, I get it. You've been screwed over way too many times. You don't trust anyone...but that's the thing about invisibility. You end up all by yourself" Freddy spoke as Billy just stood there. Then Billy just shrugged his head: "I didn't steal your dumb bullet" and he went into the classroom. He left Freddy and me there in the hallway with confused looks on our faces.
It was silent for a second as we continued walking. I glanced at Freddy and smirked at him: "You know, if I'd have to choose, I'd probably choose flight" I smiled at him. He looked at me with a slight smirk on his face as we continued walking to our next class.
Finally, the last bell.
School ended, for today.
I packed my books to my backpack and I got up from my seat. I walked out of the class, to the balcony of the school. As I was walking down the stairs outside, I saw a fight going on, again. There were those Breyer brothers, hitting...Freddy?
There were some people watching all the action. I pushed trough the crowd and I saw Freddy lying on the ground and the twins kicking him with an evil look on their faces. "What! Awh, you need your fake family to stand up for you?? What are you going to do, you're going to go cry home to mommy?! Oh don't have a mommy!" they yelled and teased. I gasped as I saw that situation. A terrified look appeared in my face: "What are you guys doing! Let go of him" I screamed at them. The other twin looked up to me: "oh look who it is again" he smirked as he walked up to me. I slapped him right to his face. He turned to me with an angry look on his face. But before I even knew it, Billy was tackling him with Freddys crutch. He did the same to the other twin. "Man sorry about that. That wasn't fair but you guys seem like you don't really fight fair so-" he sarcastically apologized. The brothers got up right away, about to throw hands. "You're dead!" They yelled as Billy started to run down the sidewalk. I glanced over at them before all three of them went
out of my sight.
I took Freddy's crutch on my hand and I offered Freddy my other hand so he could get up. "You alright?" I asked him. "Yeah" He said as he hissed in pain. "You sure?" I asked, since he didn't look like he was all alright. "Yeah I'm ok. It's nothing I haven't felt before" he said. I handed his crutch back to him. "Thanks" He said with a weak smile. I smiled at him before he literally tackled me into a hug. That made me smile even harder: "No problem" I shrugged. He pulled out from the hug. "No one really ever stands up to me but you did. You're freaking awesome!" Freddy spoke up. Right after those words came out of his mouth, my head turned red like a tomato. I smiled: "thanks I actually feel really accomplished and appreciated right now." Freddy laughed.
I spoke up: "Well um, I-I'll see you tomorrow I guess" I said with a weak smile. "Yeah I'll see you around" he waved as I walked to my direction, leading to my house and he turned around to the other direction, walking home.

a/n: another chapter! I'm actually quite proud of this one :)
xo: Mads

nerd.  - Freddy FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now