The Stranger

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💛 Edited--05.07.2020 💛

Ever since I found out the truth of everything, I have spent more time catching up with my Papa. He has been telling me everything I missed since I had been in my haze and since he could remember. When I thought about it, it made me wonder how it took so long for me to remember. It has also made me more determined to help other people remember, but I can't make it obvious. Papa and I agreed that Regina shouldn't know yet.

I can now see why Regina was so determined to keep Mary Margaret and David apart. They would be the ones that help each other remember. So from now on, I am going to try and get them back together and try to bring down Regina. I'd also decided that I was going to continue calling everyone by their Storybrooke names otherwise I would get confused and probably end up blowing my cover. To follow on from that, I will also continue to be known as Tasha. Will I go back to being called Amie? I don't know. We'll see.

I was now sitting in Gold's shop looking round again now that I see everything in a different light. I looked round and saw Aladdin's lamp, Snow and Charming's baby mobile, maps of the Enchanted forest and so much more.

"It's weird. Seeing everything like I should," I told Gold.

"You'll get used to it. Give it time, dearie," Father smiled at me.

"So you know that deal we made some time back? You know, the whole Ashley baby thing? When are you going to claim that deal? Did you know that I was going to make that deal?" I rambled.

"I'll claim the deal when I find something good and also, of course I knew you would take it. You're my daughter," Father replied.

Just then the door opened to reveal Marco.

"Ah, Marco. Good, you're on time. Could you just have a look at this clock for me, please?" Father asked, leading him to a clock that was sitting on the counter.

"Of course, Mr Gold. Good morning, Tasha," Marco said, when he saw me sitting there.

"Good morning, Marco," I replied.

We sat there for a while longer, watching Marco look at the clock. I remember that clock from the Enchanted Forest, it was a clock that Geppetto and Pinocchio used to look at. For a few minutes, Marco, Gold and I had a normal conversation like nothing was any different than before. That was until August walked in.

"Ah, Mr Booth. I'll be with you in a moment. On second thought, tell me--as one admirer of antiquities to another--Do you think it's worth my while having this clock repaired?" Father asked August, who slowly walked over.

Marco turned round and moved to the side so August could see, but when he had turned, August's eyes widened in realisation. That was his Papa! It made sense now. August' reaction gave it all away. Of course, Marco had no idea that it was actually him that had left August speechless, rather than the clock. Beside me I saw my Papa smirking. Was he also trying to get everyone to remember? Oh well, I'll ask him about it later.

"I'll take your silence as a 'yes', then," Papa said.

"You know, I'm very busy right now, and, uh, I'm just a one-man shop. But, uh, I'll get to the clock as fast as I can," Marco told Gold.

"I wouldn't ask for anything more," Gold replied.

Marco picked up the clock and went to leave.

"Good day, Tasha," He said.

"See you around, Marco," I smiled.

As Marco walked passed August, August stared at him in shock, following him with his eyes all the way till he left the shop.

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