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he is so tall

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he is so tall. but I can still beat his ass

tagged: cap._steve.Rog.

likes: 55k



iron._tony.Star.k:well look here. they are being very cute and disgusting if I do say so

replying: shut up tony

m.hill: you are right they are very question are you dating

replying: no hill. please stop

bucky.B.Arnes: I need to talk to you steve. and Natasha why are you so short

cap._steve.Rog.: nat are you still coming over for movie night

replying: I see you in an hour ok

replying: ok

hawk._clint.bart: Steve and Tasha what are you guys doing and why are your noses touching snd why is she smiling

replying: we can do what we want Clint you are mot fury

scarlet._wanda.Max.: you guys are so cute

replying: thx Wanda.but we are not dating

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