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look at what happened while we were at the beach and must I say Natasha looks amazing.

tagged:  black._nat.Rom,cap._steve.Rog.

likes:  33 million 

comments : 55k


S.Wilson: well don't you two look cozy @black._nat.Rom.and cap._steve.Rog

scarlet._wanda.max replying to S.Wilon: they do don't they 

S.Wilson replying to scarlet._wanda.Max: they do 

black._nat.Rom: stop seeing things that are not their

cap._steve.Rog: what she said.please.but nat you look amazing 

iron._tony.Star.K: are you flirting capsicle 

M.Hill: nat I must say your body looks amazing.why don't you wear bikinis more often

black._nat.Rom replying to M.Hill: there is a scar that bucky left long ago but steve knows about during our hydra mission I told him and I quote "no rifling. bye, bye bikinis" and then he says and I quote" I bet you look terrible in them now".so he told me to wear one and see if I  would wear one ever again. So that is why I am wearing a bikini. But somehow the scar is gone.  I don't know how it is gone but it is.

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