:Murdoc Niccals:

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Stuart Pot was laying in bed, his fingers gently playing with his ruffled and unkempt bed sheets, his other hand moving away and towards his lips with a cigarette between them. He would take a deep drag of the cigarette before blowing it out into the air, the smoke filling up his messy room. He let out a loud sigh, rubbing his eye, he felt his body ache because of the bruises on his sides, Murdoc had punched him earlier because he dropped one of his beers while grabbing his vodka out of the fridge. 2D was kinda on a downhill slope in his life, I mean he was pretty unhappy ever since his life begun with Murdoc and the band. Russel and Noodle were good people, but Murdoc, he took everything from 2D. He fucked up both his eyes, which actually affects his ability seeing, he had sex with his girlfriend, treats him like shit, constantly get mad at him, hurts him, why the fuck is he still in this band? 

2D sat up on the edge of his bed, his face in his palms, he just spent most of his life with an abuser. Whats the point in leaving at this point? He pushed himself onto his feet and put out his cigarette on wall. He reached for the door handle but before he could even open it, he was shove back by Murdoc angrily storming his way in. 2D fell back to the floor getting hit by the door, sliding down on his back, "Oi! Faceache!" He yelled, his voice sending shivers down the bluenettes spine. Murdoc starred down at the boy on the floor, his eyebrows narrowed at the him, his eyes filled with rage. "W-What is it?" He whispered out, trying to avoid eye contact with him, he noticed that Murdoc seemed more angry than usual. Something really bad must have happened. 2D gulped down the lump in his throat caused from fear, "Don't act like ya don't know!" He hissed, the boy looked at him, still confused about what he was complaining about. "My bass you piece of shit." He growled "It's destroyed." 2D's eyes widened and he shook his head "N-No no no, I didn't do that Mur-" he was cut by a harsh and quick slap across the face which knocked 2D from him sitting back to lying down on the floor, "Piece a' shit! Don't you dare fuckin' lie to me!" He said kicking him in the shin before leaving, and slamming the door behind him. 

The bluenette stayed on the ground, he hated this. He hated him. Murdoc Niccals was a piece of shit. The biggest issue is when he got really drunk or high on drugs, he would be nice to 2D, and he told him his problems and feelings. He felt bad for him, he wanted to be friends with him but, he could never get through to him. 


Hours had past, and at this point 2D had avoided everyone in his room all day, smoking cigarettes and listening to music. He always liked music, it was a lot nicer to hear things then see things, since everything was blurry. He had waited until he assumed everyone had fallen asleep and crept down the stairs into the kitchen, he opened the fridge grabbing his vodka, and pouring himself a mixture of vodka and juice. 

"Hey.." A rough voice slurred out, it almost made 2D drop his drink, he turned around finding Murdoc standing there. "Um hey M-Mudz, need somefing?" He asked his accent coming out a bit more when he was nervous, "Yeah another beer." he said opening the fridge and grabbing one, he looked up at 2D noticing his drink "What are you drinking?" Murdoc asked, it was red so he didn't think it was alcohol. 2D quickly turned his eyes away from him, none of them knew but he had started up drinking again. He went rehab a year ago for his drug and alcohol issue and the band made sure he didn't drink, but after a year of being sober they slowly stopped worrying and bugging 2D about it. So when he was starting to get low, he started back up again, it doesn't really help, just numbs things. "Just juice." The bluenette mumbled before taking a sip, and feeling the burn from the vodka. He made sure the bottle of vodka was his behind his body on the counter, he just needed a reason for Mudz to leave. "I fink I hear Russ calling for you?" 2D said, making Murdoc grumble and leave the room, giving 2D just enough time to put the vodka back in the fridge and slam the door before Murdoc saw. 

2D started to leave the room with his 'juice' and almost bumped into Murdoc "He was asleep two dents!" he said smacking the back of his head "Are you deaf too? Not just blind?" he spat, making the boy finally speak up "Fuck off! I would not be partially blind if it wasn't fo' you!" He retorted back making Murdoc look at him a bit shocked at his confident actions. Stu never really stood up for himself, like ever, he never had the guts to around Murdoc, he basically controlled his entire life. He could kick him out of the band if he wanted to and 2D would just have to pack up his entire life and say goodbye. He felt his heart drop as he watched Murdoc raise his hand, he shut his eyes tightly expecting a hit, but instead he felt a pat on his shoulder "You're right, my bad." He said before walking away and sitting on the couch to watch tv and drink himself to death. 

2D couldn't believe what just happened, but he didn't feel like sticking around in case he changed his mind. He quickly made his way upstairs and into his room, he chugged his drink to feel a little tipsy before having a smoke and recounting what happened. "Murdoc fuckin' Niccals.." 2D whispered while enjoying his cigarette with a small smile on his lips. 

S T O C K H O L M  (2Doc) ⛒ CONTAINS SMUT ⛒Where stories live. Discover now