:Everything Was Quiet:

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A few days have passed since 2D went down on Murdoc, the fact that he came from just sucking on him was extremely embarrassing. Stuart wasn't doing too good, to be honest he was struggling with the emotions he had, he never really was the same from the accident. His head ached, and he grabbed the pill bottle off the desk, taking out six pills and taking them. God, he hated how he felt everyday, constant emotionally and physical pain, he hated it. Barely anything made 2D happy anymore, he sighed walking down the stairs heading to the fridge and grabbing his vodka out of the top shelf. No one was around today, Russel was out with Noodle they were going to go to the movies, and Murdoc? He was at a bar, of course. 

Stuart poured himself just a straight glass of vodka, he was exhausted, life was just exhausting for him. He took a swig of the drink, smiling to himself, he walked over the couch grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. He took out a cigarette putting it between his lips, lighting it, and then starting to watch the television before getting easily bored, pressing the buttons on the remote, flicking through the channels. 2D sighed, getting bored already and taking another chug of his vodka, taking his a drag of his cigarette afterwards. He finally landed on a channel where there was a couple on tv, a typical romance movie, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster. Recently he's missed the warm touch and embraces that a lover gave him, not just a sexual lover but someone who cares, someone who would be there for 2D, someone to love his goofy self. He would never ask Murdoc to do that, he was really unsure if he was even capable of having romantic feelings. There was never a time that Murdoc was in love, well to Stuarts knowledge he hasn't.

The singer was in love once with this boy in college, he was nice at first, but over time the more they got to know each other the more aggressive and rude he would get. His name was Thomas, he was 2D's best friend for many years, until they both confessed their feelings, and soon became romantically involved. After a year of everything going well, it started to turn, his comments got more condescending, and he saw less and less of who he met. After a while, 2D couldn't take his verbal and physical abuse, he left and never talked to him again. He wonders if thats what attracted him to Murdoc, his abusive tendencies, and his rude nature. God this was making him want to drown himself in alcohol, he chugged the rest of his vodka in the cup, standing up and wandering over to the fridge to fill his cup again. Again he started thinking badly, negative and destructive thoughts consumed his mind, filling very corner of his head. So to numb the pain he continued to drink, swallowing down his feelings, trying to forget every moment he had with his past lover. 

A few hours later, 2D was very intoxicated because of the alcohol, and the pills he took earlier had kicked in. He was fucked right now, everything was slightly swaying, his body starting to shake slightly. Stuart tried to stand, swaying and falling back onto the couch, this wasn't good, there was no way he could get back upstairs by himself and before everyone gets home. Suddenly he heard the jingle of keys, his heart stopped, someone was home. He tried his best to stand leaning against a wall, trying to make his way to the stairs before whoever it was made it inside and saw him like this. 2D heard the front door open, and he tried his best to get up the stairs, he felt himself getting dizzy and he fell down the stairs hitting the bottom floor. "What the fuck was that?!" Murdoc yelled, he was clearly drunk and angry about something, he stormed over to the noise, finding 2D sprawled across the floor groaning in pain. "What happened?" He asked showing slight concern, bending down and helping the boy up, seeing that he was wobbling and unable to walk on his own. "I-I.. I'm reallyyy.. Drunk M-Muh-Mudz.." Stuart stuttered and slurred out, he wrapped his arms around his neck holding him close, "C-Carry me.. Please.." He whimpered, his body aching from falling down the stairs. Murdoc rolled his eyes, not holding him back just standing there "Can't I just help you walk up the stairs?" He said coldly, 2D pushed his face up against Murdoc's neck kissing it softly "P-Please.." he whispered his voice sounding desperate and sad. It's like he needed attention, he felt so lonely all the time, especially with the mental issues he was having. Murdoc let out a loud sigh "Fine." he mumbled, picking up the boy bridal style, 2D's arms still wrapped around his neck holding him close "For the love of Satan..." Murdoc growled to himself, taking the bluenette upstairs and to his room.  

Murdoc placed Stuart in his bed, putting the blanket over him "Okay, go to bed." He whispered patting the boys head and starting to walk away before feeling a hand grab his own pulling him back. The bassist turned his head to look at the 2D, he could see the need and fear in his eyes "P-Please stay h-here.." He whispered "I-I mixed a l-lot of p-pills an alcohol, e-everything is shaking.. I-I um.. I'm scared.." he admitted to Murdoc, pulling on the older man's hand. Murdoc paused a moment, not sure if he was being serious or not, but he saw the look in the bluenettes eyes and that just confirmed everything he said to be true. "Fuck.. Okay.." Murdoc groaned and sat on the bed beside the boy, 2D crawled over to the satanist sitting in his lap, cuddling up with him. Murdoc rolled his eyes, but soon the boy was asleep and everything was quiet. 

S T O C K H O L M  (2Doc) ⛒ CONTAINS SMUT ⛒Where stories live. Discover now