I: Taxi?

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"You look fantastic!" Cher gushes as she circles around the room, trying to get the perfect viewing angle on her subject. "Azlin, it's like this dress was meant to be yours all along!"

Azlin responds with an exasperated sigh, shifting uncomfortably at how short the dress felt. She's not used to wearing tight fitting dresses that barely even reach her mid-thigh.

"Are you sure I can't change into anything else? I mean, it's just a party. This dress feels a little too... fancy."

"Honey, this is the least flashy thing that I have. Trust me, once you get there, you'd be surprised at how flashy and fancy these people dresses." Cher winks and smacks her cherry red lips as she sashays out of the room. Azlin turns to look at herself in the mirror once again, mulling over the fact that indeed, the black dress looks much more simple compared to most of Cher's sequin dresses. Although it looks much more sophisticated--and most probably more expensive--than all of the dresses she had ever worn before, it does balance the party look and the I-am-conservative look that she prefers.

Also, it had been three hours since Cher invited her over to prepare the so called party, and 90% of that time had been spent just trying on different dresses. At this point, Azlin doesn't really have the energy to argue anymore.

"Come on, we're going to be late!" Cher hollers from outside. Azlin sighs one last time and follows, preparing herself for the dreadful hours that will follow.


Azlin doesn't know exactly where they are, but it looks like a residential area. Cher did mention that it's someone's birthday (she forgot the name because it sounded complex and sophisticated), and judging by the size of the house he or she is most probably from one of Cher's circle of elite friends. Plus the fact that all of the parked cars outside are mostly composed of Audis, Bentleys, BMWs, and heck, she even saw one or two Lamborghinis; this party is definitely no joke.

As soon as they reach the door, Cher starts enthusiastically greeting people, smiling and laughing like she knows these people very well. And indeed, Cher was telling the truth. Their outfits are all fancy and flashy, deeming Azlin's dress much more dull and boring in comparison. Plus, all these people look beautiful and picture perfect, as if any moment you can snap a picture of them and make it a cover of a magazine. She did expect it to be something like this, but she did also expect that she will feel so out of place.

"Cher!" An accented voice calls in recognition, and both of them turns around to see a middle aged man already holding his arms open for a hug.

"Pierre! Happy Birthday!" Cher laughs and hugs back the man. They exchange a few more greetings and compliments before she turns back to Azlin. "Pierre, this is Azlin, and Azlin, this is Pierre Patenaude, and you may know him as one of the most influential fashion designers in Hollywood."

"Oh come on Cher, no need for formal introductions." Pierre dismisses, although he obviously enjoys the compliment. He turns back to Azlin and quickly looks her from head to toe--most probably judging her choice her fashion already--before breaking into a dazzling smile and pulling her into a hug.

Azlin didn't miss the disapproving look that flashed across his face before it was covered by a perfect, practiced smile, but she tried her best to ignore this and just hugged back.

"Nice Meeting you Mr. Pierre, Happy Birthday."

"Nice meeting you too, darling. Well then off I go, there's a lot more guests to greet. Help yourself, feel right at home. It was nice seeing you again, Cher!" He exchanges one last hug with her before heading towards another group of guests.

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