IX: After Party

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In just ten minutes later, they're already standing in the elevator heading up towards Cher's flat, the four of them occupying their respective corners of the small space as they look at each other. Joe is looking at Ben, while Ben is looking at Azlin, and Azlin is trying not to look at Cher who has her arms crossed and a sly smile on her face as she glances between her and Ben.

"So how did you two meet?"

Azlin gulps at the question she'd been dreading to answer. She glances at Ben for help, but apparently he's also enjoying the sight of her in the hot seat.

"The party," she clears her throat. "The birthday party at Beverly Hills. I just kinda... stumbled into the garden, and he happened to be there."

A look of understanding forms on Cher's face. "Ah, so that's why. I knew you didn't just take a taxi home."

Joe suddenly gasps as he looks at Ben in disbelief. "You never told me you took her home!"

"Hey, nothing happened," Ben raises his hands defensively. "I was being a gentleman, that's all."

At this point, Azlin's face is already burning red in embarrassment. This conversation is definitely taking on a weird turn.

Just as Cher opens her mouth to ask another question, the elevator dings, indicating that they've arrived. Azlin almost sighs in relief when Cher suddenly grabs her and covers her eyes.

"What? What's happening?"

"Keep your eyes closed," she firmly says as she guides Azlin to step out of the elevator and into the carpeted floor. "Ben, take over. Make sure she doesn't open her eyes."

Azlin feels her friend's hand get replaced by Ben's broad hand, then he places his other hand on her shoulder to guide her forward. She hears Cher frantically run around, and for some reason she could feel Ben smiling behind her.

"Oh you're gonna love this," he whispers into her ear.

"Okay, at the count of three." Cher leads enthusiastically. "One, two, and three!"

Ben's hand lifts from her eyes, and she immediately sees Cher's apartment completely basked in LED party lights, with silver balloons placed all over the floor and on the ceiling. But what completely amazes Azlin is the wall in the living room that had a huge "CONGRATULATIONS AZLIN" sign, complete with a collage of pictures of her and of her artworks.

"SURPRISE!" Cher squealed as she pulled her into a hug. Azlin gasps as she feels hot tears start to spring up her eyes.

"Oh my God Cher, you didn't have to!" She says through tears. Cher just laughs.

"But I wanted to. I'm so proud of you, Azlin, and I wanted to make your day even more special in some way. And since I'm best at parties, I guessed this might be the best way I can do it."

Azlin laughs as she wipes away her tears. Great, now she's looking like a crybaby in front of Ben and Joe. Cher grabs something from the kitchen and returns to hand out bottles of beer to the three.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Cher winks as she clicks a remote in hand, and party music starts blasting from the speakers. "Time to get you wasted."


Azlin never thought it could be so much fun to party even with just four people. On second thought, maybe that's actually the reason why she's enjoying this more than all the other parties she'd been to.

As an ice breaker, they first played truth or dare, but the dare was just to take a shot of alcohol. Of course, this was mainly because Joe and Cher's main objective was to interrogate the two about their friendship, knowing that Azlin would avoid the alcohol as much as possible. As expected, they felt betrayed when they found out Ben and Azlin once had a "midnight Taco Bell date"--as Joe had phrased it. Once they've accomplished their mission and found out about the whole "Bennie-Azzie" thing, Joe moved onto exposing Ben on the things he told him about Azlin.

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