VII: The Exhibit

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Azlin couldn't keep herself still. She'd already checked everything twice, thrice, no--eleven times  to be exact, just to make sure that everything is perfectly set and ready. She'd even made sure that there were enough flyers for at least 100 people, and that she had exactly fifty calling cards readily prepared on her table, and twenty more in her pocket just in case. Now, there's really nothing else left for her to do but wait for the clock to hit five o'clock. 

Azlin locks herself inside the restroom to try and calm herself down. She looks at her phone and goes to her last conversation with Ben. She badly wants to call him at these times--where her nerves are wrecking her and causing her to overthink--but unfortunately the last time he was online was ten hours ago and he may be busy at this hour. So instead, Azlin just settles on reading his last message.

Goodluck, Azzie. I know you will be amazing.

She reads it over and over again, to a point that she could already hear Ben saying it himself, and like medicine slowly taking its effect, she starts to calm down. She secures her phone back to her pocket and straightens herself, looks at herself in the mirror and sees a woman so pristine and professionally dressed, looking confident and headstrong.

You will be amazing.

Azlin finally finds confidence in herself and trusts in Ben's words. She's here not because of a stroke of luck, but because she worked hard for it. This is her chance to show people who she is and what she does, and that she believes in its beauty. With this thought, Azlin smiles at herself, deciding that she's ready.

As she steps out of the restroom, she looks around and immediately spots Cher on one side of the gallery, occupied with instructing her photographer companion. Cher had been a great help in publicizing the art exhibit, helping them with press releases and reaching out thru social media platforms, and she's even kind enough to provide media coverage on the entire duration of the exhibit.

Azlin approaches her and pulls her into a hug. "Thank you, Cher. I really appreciate your help."

"It's the least I can do," Cher smiles. "I've always thought your art is amazing and somehow, someday, you will be recognized for it. I'm glad you're finally a few steps closer to your dreams."

"If you need anything, just tell me alright? We also have unlimited wine. Feel free to help yourself." Cher laughs at the inside joke. Azlin proceeds to scan the other arts in display (there are three other contemporary artists alongside her tonight, who has five of their own art displayed as well) all of which had the same theme as hers: play of texture, colors, and 3-dimensional space, but they were of different mediums. One is texture painting, one is abstract sculpting, one is paper art, and then there's Azlin's relief art.

She stops at the section where her works are displayed, her heart filling with joy and pride as she looks at them, like a mother watching her own children flourish. And her masterpiece; her piece that she'd worked on day and night for the past month, was perfect. It was everything she had imagined, and even more. It is indeed her best work so far in her entire life, and now, the only thing left is to see if other people would see it the same way that she does.

The clock finally hits five and one by one the attendees arrive, grabbing their own drinks as they start walking around the expanse of the exhibit, slowly filling the room with ambient noise. In just a matter of seconds someone finally walks towards her side of the room--a mother hand in hand with her little girl. Azlin smiles and lets them take their time and study her sculptures, but much to her amazement, a few moments later the little girl's eyes gravitates towards her masterpiece. As if in a trance, she breaks away from her mother and slowly approaches it.

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