V: Masterpiece

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"Yes, thank you, I'll see to it tomorrow morning." Azlin speaks through the phone before ending the call. She walks towards her work table to scan the wall beside it, which she had diligently filled with sticky notes full of reminders or appointment schedules. One by one she removes the ones she'd already accomplished, and eventually narrows it down to a time that will fit her schedule tomorrow. She picks up a pen and starts writing another note.

Faux Wall Panels -- 9:30 am

(Preference--cream, peach, blue)

Azlin sticks it to the wall and steps back, sighing at the shitload of appointments she has for tomorrow. Then she picks up her phone and scans through her calls and messages, double checking in case she missed anything else. However, she gets distracted when a notification from Instagram pops up, saying that she has another follower. Azlin was right. Ever since Ben started following her, she had garnered around eight hundred followers in the course of four days alone, all of whom are Ben's followers and most probably, fans. It could either be because of two things: One) they're just following whoever he's following, or two) they're trying to investigate what's her connection with Ben, and why he started following her out of nowhere.

Speaking of Ben, contrast to what he predicted, they haven't been able to meet as much despite of living so close to each other.  His schedule just proved to be more and more hectic, with interviews, fan meets, photoshoots, and promotional campaigns stacked on top of each other, and on the other hand Azlin started to become busier with her own preparations for the exhibit, juggling between art shoots, profile interviews, venue setups, and working on her masterpiece.

However, they did stay in touch, mostly thru Instagram where they strike up a conversation whenever their busy schedules allow them to.

However, they did stay in touch, mostly thru Instagram where they strike up a conversation whenever their busy schedules allow them to

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