Ep. 01

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Kim Seok Jin allows the cool breeze to squander his set, styled hair and sooth his scalp. The cold tingling sensation running down from the hair follicles to his spine, helps to alleviate the throbbing pain in his head. He whole heartedly regrets coming to this cruise party and curses Yoongi, his longtime friend, for forcing him to come here. It's all because of him, that brat is so fucking rich that he can throw these lavish parties, every other night. On the flip side, Seokjin has never been a party animal; in fact the loud music, wild people, flashing disco lights, the whole party atmosphere gives him nothing but headache, just like now. Only if, it was not Min Yoon Gi's birthday bash, he would have never ventured out into this madhouse. It's not like Yoongi is extremely fond of partys, clubs and crowd but to survive in this cruel pretentious industry, earning fame and fortune is not enough, showing and throwing off one's hard earned money is equally important to maintain the social status. And if Min Yoon Gi throws a party, expect all the stars to descend from the sky to adorn it with their presence. Afterall, who doesn't want to catch the attention of one of the most accomplished production designer of Korea? He is talented, he is young, his works are commercially successful, critically praised. The newbies don't come here just for the party but to exhibit themselves, the established actors do not dare to go out of his sight, so that they remain on his mind as well. Yoongi is clever, he is intelligent, he does everything with a motive. Inviting Kim Seok Jin was not only for the sake of friendship either, there was more to it. Seokjin guessed it right, as soon as he appeared in the party, he was introduced to the famous screenplay writer Kim Nam Joon. Yoongi had been bugging him since two months, to work with him in a movie. He also claimed that Seokjin's latest unreleased docu film had enough materials to make a good mainstream movie. No one can dare doubting Min Yoon Gi's intuitions when it comes to films, that man knows his craft better than anyone, if he says it will work, it will fucking work, he will make it work. Seokjin knows why his friend is pestering him, after all he has got the stamp of the prestigious Cannes, last year. The only glitch in Yoongi's smooth sparkling career so far, is the absolute zero presence of his works, in any western film festival. It's not his movies are not worthy, it's just his tough luck that he always ends at second, in the race. Seokjin knows how much it infuriates his friend and now that Seokjin has got this stamp on his back, there is no way Yoongi wouldn't try reaping his own benefits from it.

Honestly, anyone in Seokjin's place, would perceive the whole scenario as a win-win for both the men and it really is, given the fact that indie films neither have much money, nor a wide range of viewers. But Kim Seok Jin is too much in love with his way of working, he finds it way more enjoyable, challenging and comfortable to shoot a docu than films, that is his forte. He is skeptical about managing a crew of about fifty to hundred members. He has never worked with any actors but only real people. Those people do no play as someone else, their characters are not created, their words are not scripted, their emotions are as original as the sky and the earth. Seokjin doesn't know how to work with actors who pretends to be someone else, how to induce the correct emotion in their minds, that he wants to see on their face. Last but not the least, he is not at all confident of handling a high budget project. While shooting his indie films, he has always wished to have a little more budget, always complained about how stringent he had to be. Now that, money is not even an issue, he is feeling the pressure, he is realizing the hefty budget comes with a bigger risk. Seokjin is not unwilling to step up his game, he is just not confident yet. Though Yoongi has invited him here, with the noble intention to give him a feel of this new world and people, he had a hard time to mingle with them, as if he was some alien. He just needs some time to ponder on this, he wants to leave as soon as possible. But damn that wicked Min Yoon Gi !!! He had to celebrate his birthday in the middle of Han river and now he is stuck in this damn cruise. The young indie filmmaker, having no other option, has climbed up to the top most deck to get rid off the mad party, going on in the second deck. It's very chilly out here, still peaceful. However, his peaceful little world has collapsed real soon as he hears some busy yet unsteady footsteps on the stare. In no time, he discovers two figures, male and female, glued to each others, crash in the very place, busy in making out. They are so devoted into their smooching business that Seokjin's existence on the deck gets totally unnoticed. The guy is tall and wrapping the shorter woman in his arms like a python.

"Ummm....Channiee take it slow", the woman mumbles pulling away for a moment.

But her request goes ignored by the man, as he pulls the zip of her dress down.
"No no... not here", the woman squawks, baffled by his actions.

"Why not?", the tall man pulls down her dress exposing her ice pale shoulders.

Seokjin can't help but has to intervene in their holy endeavor, he clears his throat loudly to make them aware of his presence. Both of the love birds, jump on their feet to locate him and look dead embarrassed. Kim Seok Jin recognizes both of them, the tall guy is the hottest actor of the present time Park Chan Yeol and the woman is another popular actress Moon Byul Yi.

"Sorry, we didn't notice....", the guy somehow stutters an apology and leaves as if he has received an important call.

Seokjin snicker at his antics, no doubt he is an actor. The actress however, is way more perplexed upon being discovered in this compromising state. Her already disheveled hair has become messier in this windy weather. Her face is more red than her smeared lipstick. She lowers her gaze and mumbles a sorry faintly.

"No wonder how you manage to get those movies, with your skills", Seokjin is shocked at himself, how he just spat his mind so loud !!!

"Excuse me ??!!", the women who has been hesitating to meet his eyes earlier, is now shooting daggers at him.

Her face is now flushed with anger, "what did you just say?"

Okay whatever he has said, he has said, no backing off.

"Don't you know better than me?", Seokjin proceeds to leave the deck with that blunt remark but she calls out him,

"Who the hell are you to judge me, huh? Atleast you know my name, you know me, do I even know you? You salty ass"

This time Seok Jin faces her, making an eye contact, "I don't even wish you to....".

Actress Moon Byul Yi digs her nails in the lace of her dress, sharp enough to create holes. She grits her teeth, clenches her jaw, bites the inner walls of her cheeks to gulp down the insult. Her trembling lips, fluttering eyelashes, shivering knees are trying their best to control the anger. As she stares at the retreating figure, to her surprise the man turns around to face her again and then approaches to her with big steps. Slipping his one hand around her waist and another over her shoulder, he zips up her dress. As she looks at him with a confused expression, he whispers,

"Even though you don't know me. Still..."


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          This is my first Jinbyul fiction. Honestly, there are so many great Jinbyul writers out there and I am lacking in so many ways. However, I will try to write a good story and also improve my writing skills.

I have a tendency to give an elaborated backstory of characters and bore the hell out of the readers 😝. But I do it for my own satisfaction, to avoid any loopholes later. I hope you all to tolerate it and eventually get used to my way of writing 😉
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