Kageyama x reader

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You started off with a eager smile when you woke up. 

Koushi had a volleyball game later that day at Karasuno High, where he and you both went. Waking up early was not ideal, but your brother compromised with takeout after the game. So you didn't hesitate to get dressed, and do a quick ponytail before rushing out the door. But what you didn't know, was that another marvelous surprise was in store for you later that day.

Kageyama's POV

He was immediately mesmerized when he saw you for the first time that year, that was it for him. Almost all the girls in your class had confessed, to his annoyance. Except you. You never even acknowledged his presence.

 Kageyama didn't want to admit it, but that bothered him. Nobody had ever affected him this way, but for some reason, you had him under your spell *sigh*. He felt... intoxicated.

The little ginger tapped his shoulder. "Are you OK Kageyama?" Hinata was standing across from him at the gym vending machine. "Yea," he grumbled. The tall setter quickly put in some money and pulled out a small carton of milk. "Hey, why don't you join the rest of the team? You can work on your serves." Hinata rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah. I guess I could."

"But it's just that you've been acting so weird ever since Suga and his sister came!!" He blurted. "Go away. Just leave me be, Hinata." He moped off into the gym. 

Relived, he leaned against the vending machine and rested his eyes, dreaming about you.


"Hey, um- Kageyama-san, right?"  You waved your hand in front of his face.

 "Uh-!" He looked startled.

You stepped forward to introduce yourself. Kageyama seemed intimidating to the eye,  but you could feel his slight nervousness, masked by his brooding features.  He kindly reached his palm out to meet yours. 

"I'm Kageyama Tobio. Nice to finally meet you (Y/N)." He forgot that you already knew his name. Now he was embarrassed. 

"So you're in class 3 right?" You questioned.

"... mm, yea."

You were fascinated. Your crush on him had lasted since the beginning of the year, and it wasn't going anywhere soon, that was foreshore

Dammit. How can a single person be so talented and wonderfully attractive? 

 He took a sip of milk. "So, you come to come to watch Sugawara often? It's just that I've never seen you around before." You tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. A habit of yours. "Well, I just thought I would come this once. And because Koushi promised takeout after!" You giggled. 

"Hmm. Did he tell you that the whole team would be there too?" He gave you a look and took another deep sip. 

Of course! You groaned loudly. "Damn! There's always a catch with him, y'know." "Well, there's still takeout. And, we're not all that bad y'know," he mockingly assured you.

The athletic first-year took a step forwards, towards you. 

"(Y/N) I think I like you," he confessed. "Even though we've never really spoke, I've felt like it was always there. For me at least." 

Now, you could feel his warm breath on the tip of your ear. He then slowly wrapped his long arms around your middle. You blushed.

Kissing him seemed like the best option right then.

Kageyama felt a soft pair of lips grace his. He grasped what was going on, and began to move against yours. Your heart jumped a little in your chest, enjoying the way he pulled you close. 

A steady hand soon began to take out your ponytail and run through your silver locks. With your hand against his chest, you could tell he was savoring the moment as well. After a few glorious seconds, you pulled away.

"I felt it too," you smiled fondly.

"Kageyama and (Y/N)!!"Diachi looked angry. You both turned around, embarrassed. "Sorry!" Sugawara poked his head out from the gym entrance. "C'mon, the match is about to start!" You both exchanged a glance, and ran inside.  "I'll see you later." you gave him a knowing smile, which he returned.


Oh yeah. That takeout was worth it *LOUD SLURPING NOISES*(¬‿¬)



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