Oikawa x reader part 2

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ok so idk what i was trying to do here but i think it was supposed to be a yandere fic. sorry i havent updated in a while tho :( but idk if im goinf to finish this oikawa one, or switchover to some headcanons. probably the second and this is the most punctuation i've used in a sentence damm k bye lmao


"Ay yi yi!"

You huffed out your cheeks and plopped down on the bench. It was now dusk, in the park, and he was nowhere to be seen. Everyone else seemed to be packing up for they day. You watched for what seemed like hours as couples, family, and friends enjoyed themselves while you waited. 

Even an elderly woman walked up to you, pointing out your strange behavior. "Waiting for a date?"

"No he's ju-"

"How sweet, aw. Young love." She smiled.

"It's noth-"

 "Seems like a lucky guy to me." The woman winked then walked away, leaving you with a slight blush on your face. That was when Oikawa found you.

"(y/n)!!!" There you are!"

You stood up suddenly. "Where where you?"

He looked down and scratched his head. "I'm so sorry. I- I- guess i lost track of time."

You half smiled, annoyed. "Mmm ok then." You had to give him another chance. After all, it was you who basically left him in a ditch. This was the least you could do.

He rolled his eyes. "Tch."

"Uggh. c'mon." you grabbed his hand.



"It's almost night, dammit," you deadpanned.

"Uhhhh... we could go to the mall. It's a few hours before they close."

That sounded like fun. "ok sure," you shrugged your shoulders.


You arrived at the mall. it had been a while since you last shopped here, so you were kind of nervous. But it was like you never left. Everything was the exact same.

"Hah! Just like we left it, huh?"

You looked at him. We left it? Thats... weird. 


"C'mon," you giggled as you pulled him along with you.



You were now officially, exhausted. Tooru was panting at your side, breathless as well. 

You had so much fun with him at the mall. Playing at the arcade, eating ice cream, all while getting lost inside the deep labyrinth of  Tokyo Mall. Even having a minigame of hide and seek was fun, until Karen reported you both to the security guard.

So now you were both standing awkwardly outside the building, as the officer had escorted the both of you out.

"Gosh, what time is it?" you swiftly brought out your cellphone. It was almost 1:32 am.

(lmao the time im writing this. i need to get my ass to sleep)

"I should go home now. It's getting late."

Oikawa sadly looked at you. "Aww the fun was just getting started!"

Your expression said otherwise.

"Fine, fine. I'll catch you later (y/n)."

"Thanks! Bye!"

You waved to him as you walked to your car.

He shouted out to you. "Today was fun!"

"Bye Tooru-chan!!"

He blushed. That was the first time he had heard you call him that in a while. 

This was going well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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