Oikawa x reader Pt 1?!

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"Hey, watch it."

You turned around nervously to see just who you bumped into at Barnes and Nobel's.

"?!" You nearly dropped your shopping cart (hand cart?? lol idk at this point).

His familar brown beadhead, and that Aoba Johsai volleyball club uniform revealed it all. 

"Oikawa-san?!" His sour expression turned into one of surprise. "y/n! I thought you moved!" 

 "I'm just visiting for two weeks. My mom's getting remarried."

He gave you a understanding smile. "..." You managed a small smile in return and a head nod.

You both stared at each other for a bit. It had been so long since you saw each other; it was like you were meeting all over again. Blushing even more, you bit your lip and looked at your shoes.

"Umm.. how have you been?" He asked. "Well, uhh... fine."

"Uhhh... no! Not... no. Not like you're fine or anything." 

His eyes widened at your sudden comment.

You screamed internally. "No! I mean, you're.. ok. Not to insult you or anything!!"

Panicked, you bowed your head in embarrassment. "(y/n), don't do that, it's embarrassing," he chuckled lightly. You stood up and looked around, flustered at the scene you had made so quickly.

"C'mon," Oikawa grabbed your hand to your surprise. But you weren't complaining. Tooru led you down several aisles filled with books, until you got to the back of the store. "We can talk better here."

"Sorry about that..." 

"It's fine," he smiled sweetly.

He suddenly cocked his head to the side. "Did you delete my contact?" 

Your stomach churned as you suddenly remembered.

When you moved last year, you tried to keep in contact with him. In the beginning, you would both facetime almost everyday. However, sports, clubs, and school still kept both you guys busy. Eventually, you both became more distant. 

You felt guilty. Everyday that passed, the further apart you both came. Once in a while, you would want to call him, but then you remembered how he was still moving on in life, and had better things to do.

You never thought that he maybe wanted to talk to you too. 

You looked up at him meekly. "No." He sighed a breath of relief.

Tooru suddenly laughed. "Hey, you still have the Switch we got last year, right??"

Before you left last year, he suprised you with a trip to Best Buy, where he bought you your first Nintendo Switch. After all that time, you still kept it. It reminded you all the times you spent together playing Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8. 

"Yeah... I've been playing it a lot lately," you recalled.

He gave you a knowing look. "Did you get Animal Crossing?"

"Yea," you giggled.


You perked at the sound of his voice.

"Do you wanna... maybe.." he looked lost for words.

You lead him on. "Do you wanna meet up, Oikawa-chan??" You slowly mouthed, with a smirk playing on your lips.

"Ok, (y/n)," he chuckled. "Just text me when you can, ok?" There was new emotion in his brown eyes. Longing, or regret, you couldn't tell. But it was there.

You looked down again as a pang of guilt hit you. "I will. I promise."

You walked back towards the door. You turned around to see his curious brown eyes staring at you. Coyly, you waved as you exited the cafe.

He gave you a warm, genuine smile, the one of the ones you thought you would never see again since your move. You smiled to yourself.


mmmk byye and i cant go over this again cuz i know ill delete it smh

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