·1· the meeting

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Percy's pov
I was at the strawberry fields with Annabeth and the rest of the seven (including calypso) and then the Stolls came up to us and Travis said "there's a meeting in the big house" we all got up and followed them.

At the big house Katie, Nico, Will, and Thalia were there waiting for us.

"Hey Thals! How come you didn't tell me you were here?" I asked. "Can't I surprise my cousin?" She asked me. "Wow. I'm not your favourite? Rude." She just shook her head.

"Children. I have called you here today to tell you that the gods want you to go to high school. Goode high to be exact." I smiled. "Paul teaches there!" "Yes Percy. He agreed to make sure you guys all have the same schedule so you don't have to worry about mortals breaking up, in Aphrodite's words, 'her otp's'. Get packing. You leave tomorrow at noon.

"Where are we staying?" Annabeth asked. "No need to worry about that. The gods made you a house and you helped design it without even knowing." Chiron answered. Annabeth had a huge smile on her face which made her look even more beautiful. That's not the point. Stupid adhd.

We all left the big house and went to our cabins to start packing.

Annabeth's pov
I can't believe Chiron. I have to go to a stupid mortal school now. At least I have all my friends coming with me. And we get to stay in a house that I designed!

Piper's pov
So we're going to school and I'm not sure how I'm thinking about that. Maybe it'll be fun but I had bad luck with bullies in the past.

Jason's pov
I finally get to have a somewhat normal school experience. Not just something from the mist.

Hazel's pov
I haven't been to school since the 40's and I'm nervous. What if people don't like me because I have coloured skin? Frank is telling me I'll be fine so I'm going to stay with him the entire time. I also don't understand technology and Calypso doesn't either so we're going to have a hard time fitting in.

Frank's pov
I think we'll be okay. I'm kind of nervous because I think American school will be different from Canadian school. Hazel's nervous which is making me more nervous but I have to keep a happy face on for Hazel.

Leo Flamin Valdez' pov
I get to go to school with Caly and I'm so excited. The only part I'm not excited about is the fact that we have to learn. My adhd is worse than everyone else's so it's 1000000x harderrrr.

Calypso's pov
I'm nervous. I've never been to school before because I was trapped on ogygia for centuries. I don't understand technology or 'slang' like Hazel. Leo has been teaching me about technology but I don't fit in this century.

Nico's pov
I could be in the underworld but my significant annoyance told me I have to go to school with him. Don't tell him this but I'm secretly happy about going to school with Will.

Will's pov
I get to go to school with Nico! I'm very happy. I think Nico's happy too but he didn't show it.

Thalia's pov
I could be leading the hunt right now but Lady Artemis told me I have to get a proper education. If I get suspended then I'm going to sleep all day with no annoying things like monsters because the gods made us a monster proof house.

We get to go to school and the gods made sure that Connor was in the same class as me even though he's younger. Katie-kat is gonna be there too! Ever since we started dating we've been attached at the hip.

We're going to school and I'm already thinking of amazhang pranks! Watch out Goode *cue evil laughter*

I'm going to high school! Yay? It's my first time leaving camp in a while because I'm a year round camper. Travis is gonna be there too. But unfortunately with thing 1 comes thing 2. Im going to help them prank people who are mean to me but with regular unsuspecting people that's very mean.

Did y'all like it? That's the first chappie so far. I'll try to update every day.

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