[ 21 ]

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(this whole book is in third person but today we're exploring roman's life !)

roman had learnt a lot about virgil in the past few months.

he had learnt that he writes shitty poetry in a ratty notebook that he stored under his bed, and that his brown eyes were kind of tinged with green, if you looked at them at a certain angle. he had also learnt he was remarkably determined, since he insisted he and roman go to school every morning to look for the strange notes. sadly, none more had appeared, and roman reckoned the culprits had moved to a different form of communicating.

he had also learnt that virgil had not one, but three ukuleles, that lying bastard. he also religiously applied strawberry chapstick, which was, dare he say, pretty gay. virgil also, apparently, loved roman's mother's fish and chips, but roman thought that he was actually just more of an ass kisser than logan was. and that's really saying something.

"who knew you were such a people pleaser?" roman found himself blurting out. roman and virgil were walking to the bus stop together, since they lived pretty close and ever since the mildly traumatic audition process, they had found themselves becoming friends. or something to that extent. they had to spend a lot of time together in the school hall, doing rehearsal after rehearsal, singing until their throats got sore (😏😏😏 bahaha just kidding). roman had began to look forward to the mornings when it was just him and virgil.

uhh. what?

roman mentally kicked himself for the thought. what the hell? what was he? some kind of love sick forty year old librarian? goddamnit, teenage boy hormones.

"i'm not a people pleaser, ass hat," virgil snapped, pulling roman from his minor identity crisis. "you are literally are the biggest teacher's pet to mr calazans."
roman opened his mouth to argue, but found himself making a noise of agreement. virgil had a point. the drama department had become a kind of rag tag family over the past few months- the cast and crew and even the goddamn orchestra (why was there an orchestra? roman wasn't sure). mr calazans had been in charge of the whole thing, somehow maintaining order while mostly looking incredibly ashamed on behalf of the rowdy, stupid teenagers he was in charge of.
"i like mr calazans. he's nice!" roman snipped.
"i liKe Mr CaLAzAns. hE's NicE!" virgil mocked. "you're such a simp, roman."
"am not."
"you so are."
roman flung out an arm in a vague attempt to smack virgil, but virgil caught his wrist mid swing.

roman sighed in defeat.

virgil did not let go of his wrist.

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