We can't help him...

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"Tobio!" Oikawa and Iwaizumi ran towards him. Oikawa opened his arms for a hug. Kageyama took the opportunity right away and ran towards him and hugged him hard they almost fell if there wasn't Iwaizumi to catch them.
"Tō-Tōru sh-she hurt him. He-he did no-nothing wr-wrong he-he was ju-just him-himself. A-and that's wh-why she-she hurt him... SHE FUCKING HURT HIM FOR BEING HIMSELF!" Iwaizumi and Oikawa both knew if they didn't do something he would go crazy he would accidentally hurt them. After that he would hate himself it's always been like that. If something was too much for him he would break down and if you didn't calm him he would accidentally hurt the people he loves.

"Hey Tobio look at me." He didn't react.
"Oi I said look at me!" Tobio looked at him.
"What do you think is the last thing he wants you to do?"
"H-hurt someone..."
"T-to get aggressive..."
"Right will you do him the favor to not get aggressive or hurt someone?"
Kageyama muttered a small 'yes'.
"Now come on we Iwa-chan will drive us to the hospital"
Again Kageyama muttered a small 'okay'

----Timeskip brought to you by Matsuhana memes----

They were now at the hospital in the waiting room. Iwaizumi was taking care of Kageyama while Oikawa was talking to Suga and Natsu. Kageyama, Natsu and Suga fell asleep after an hour cuddled up on the bench.

After an hour a doctor came out of the part were all the surgerys were made.

"Who is here for Hinata Shoyō?" By the mentioning of Hinatas name the three of them woke up.
"That would be us" Suga answered.
"Good we expect him to wake up tomorrow. You can go see him but only one person at time."
"Thank you" Oikawa answered.
"Okay so I'd say Natsu is allowed to go kn first since she's his sister. Then Suga since he took care of him. And then you Tobio." Iwaizumi suggested all of them agreed.

Kageyama was waiting outside for Suga to finish. He got more impatient. He knew that he needed to calm down.
Finally Suga got down you could see that he cried. Suga ran straight to Daichi Kageyama didn't know he was here. Probably Tōru or Hajime called him for Suga. Was all he thought.

He was finally allowed inside. He broke down again. He cried a lot until he couldn't cry anymore. He held Hinatas hand the whole time. His head was next to Hinatas body on the bed. He was mad. But at himself for not seeing how hurt and scared his best friend (and crush) was.

He promised himself that he will do everything to make Hinatas life better even if it means that he had to leave. Even if he would have to change. He would do anything for Hinata to have a better life.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi knew what was happening inside the room. They knew that Kageyama was breaking down. They knew that he was mad at himself right. They knew that he was promising himself  to make Hinatas life better. They also knew that it would be hard to get him out of there and take care of him.

After an hour or so they went home again. (They were actually kicked out because visiting hours were over)

At home Oikawa decided it would be the best to tell his mother and aunt so they could call the school and say explain what happened.
(You know how it works Oikawa" and the other person<>)

He called his mother first.
<Hello what is it Tōru?>
"I need to stay at home from school tomorrow"
<What is the reason. If your ass hurts too much it's your own fault and you will still go to school>
"Mom!" Oikawa was getting redder with each second that went by.
"No it's not like that. Somethings happened..."
<Tōru what happened?>
"Firstly do you remember how grandpa reacted when I came out to him?"
<Yes he wanted to hit you they also yelled at you.>
"Well Tobio is here since the last two days. He should have stayed at their house, so he decided to come out to them. And yea... He hit him..."
<Is he fine?!>
"Yeah but that's actually not the reason why we need to stay at home..."
<Tōru just tell me the reason>
"You know Hinata Shōyō? It's the number 10 of Karasuno. So somethings happened... He didn't tell me what exactly happened. But he was found beat up. And had to get a surgery that's all I know. So he isn't doing good now so I don't want to leave him alone..."
<Omg! Yes yes stay at home. I would come home if I could but here is a storm so no planes will fly for 1 week.>
"Thanks mum. I will ask Makki-chan to bring us the homework."
<Okay. Please take care of him okay? Stay at home until he feels better I will explain it to the school okay?>
"Yes thanks" and with that the phone call ended.

Now he had to call Kageyamas mother.
<Hello? Who is this?>
"Hello auntie it's me Tōru. I need you to call the school for Tobio and tell them he can't come."
<First I'd like to know why.>
"Well first of all grandpa kicked him out and slapped him and secondly... Well his best friend is in the hospital beat up. So yea..."
<What happened to Hinata-kun?!>
"I don't really know it he just told me that he found him beat up and that it was his mother... He won't talk to us..."
<Of course it's fine to stay at home please take care of him. I will be back in a week because of the storm>
"Will do"
<Thank you so much Tōru>
"No problem auntie after all he's like my little brother so it's fine."
And with that the call was ended.

The door opened and Iwaizumi came in with things from Tobio.
"Iwa-chan I fell bad... I have the feeling like I should do more for him. Like I could help him... Like I should help him..."
"Oi. Tōru, how many times do I have to tell you that you can't help someone who doesn't want your help?"
"Look I feel bad to but we can't help him if he doesn't let us. So let's go to sleep."

When they walked inside Oikawas room Kageyama was asleep on their bed. They didn't mind and just laid down with him. Both of them were asleep fast.

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