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Love Does Much, Money Does Everything
Part 1

Balance Unlimited has postponed episodes (after episode 3) due to covid-19. Since that is happening, I want you guys to comment AUs that I can write. For instance, I have a 1k+ special AU based off of BJ Alex coming soon. So if you guys would like, comment soulmate au, enemies to lovers au- one shots (no incest shit... please i'm begging you. I'll only be writing Brother!Haru for his stuff.) stuff like that and i'll write it while the episodes are being postponed.

Kambe doesn't have a fiancé... he has a sister and Suzue and Izanami are gonna be badass besties. Everyone who thought she was the fiancé... you happy now?

Part one is kinda boring, more information and a filler than anything. Part two is definetly going to be a hell lot better and will be uploaded either later today or early tomorrow.

Please enjoy

Kato Izanami stood beside her brother who was now declining the chance to mentor Kambe for this division. "I don't think I can be an effective mentor to that man!" The twin sister chuckled. "I knew this might happen... " Their boss sighed and looked up at the female twin with a small innocent smile. "Izanami? Will you please watch over him, I'm sure he'll act accordingly... He is an adult after all." She nodded and smiled back, "It's of no problem, Kiyomizu."

"Thank you sweet girl."

"Of course, you can always count on me."

Haru tsked, giving his sister the side eye before the door creaked open, "Ah, Kambe!" Kiyomizu exclaimed, "Izanami, please let Kambe know that his desk will be the one next to yours." Izanami smiled at her boss and when facing away from him, her smooth forehead irked a vain. Smiling fakely at the millionaire detective, she sat on her chair and he followed. Saeki tapped her shoulder, putting her chin on the female detective's head and placed a gummy fish on the open palm of her hand. Being the only two women in the division, Saeki and Izanami got along great- even though their personalities were complete opposite. "Would you like one? They are brand new." The pink haired girl asked Kambe. He opened up his palm and she shook the bag, dropping a red fish gummy onto his palm. "A sea bream! Just like Nami! A lucky start to the day!" Izanami rolled her eyes and chuckled as he examined the fish while Kamei yelled at his screen looking blue. "Izanami! Izanami! Look at what I sent you!!!" The blonde yelled. "Shut up, Kamei." The brother retorted, quietly sitting on his desk before Kamei informed why he screamed. "It says that she died of a drug overdose. That centerfold model Akiko Hoshida..." Haru shot from his chair, "Seriously?!" He exclaimed, earning a scoff from Izanami.

She got up from her chair and headed towards the door, "Chief, I'm heading over to the Stop Shoplifting Campaign now." Her boss nodded, giving her the ok. As she walked towards the door, Izanami ruffled Haru's light brown hair,  "I'll catch up in a bit." He informed, unnoticing that Kambe had risen from his seat and followed the female twin. The second she walked into the hall, she knew someone was following her, knowing that it wasn't Haru or anybody else for that matter, it had to be Kambe. A vain irked on her forehead before she faced him. "What?" She asked harshly, but the millionaire detective was unfazed. "I'll go with you." He suggested, earning a questionable look from the girl. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "You won't take no for an answer so... Might as well."

They walked side by side and she could feel him looking at her. "Is there something you'll like to ask Mr.Kambe?" She side eyed him, catching a glance of his before he smirked and looked forward. "I hope they accommodate your fitting?" Izanami raised a brow, noticing that he looked down at her shoes. "Eh- Oh! Oh yeah, they do... Thank you. You really didn't have to."

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