Chapter 9~

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Kyojuro had placed Eri on a bed gently, and laid behind her comfortably. The two slept the entire night without a single disturbance. When Aoi came in to check on the two, she immediately walked back out and went to tell Shinobu. When Shinobu walked on, she wasn't nearly as surprised and only gave a small smile as a response to Aoi.

"You can stop creeping." Eri said without opening her eyes. She knew exactly who it was.

Shinobu let out a hearty laugh and beckoned Aoi in further. "You two look rather cute."

Eri smiled while in Kyojuro's grasp, with her eyes still closed, as if to say 'I'm proud of the fact you saw us like this.' "Gee, thanks. I totally needed someone to tell me that." Her tone was jokingly, but there was a threat somewhere hidden deep down.

"How long have you been awake just laying there?" Eri finally opened her eyes with a sweet smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Aoi-san woke me up when she came in here the first time." She admitted truthfully. "How's Tanjiro and Inosuke?" She asked without much thought put into the question.

Shinobu gave a gentle smile and shook her head, "They're fine and healing nicely. You should really start worrying about yourself more. It's getting really hard to believe you're actually a demon."

Eri sighed and nodded, "I get that a lot. Even the demons don't think I'm an actual demon. In fact, they think I'm a Hybrid." She chuckled lightly. Shinobu took her words into consideration.

"You very well could be-"

"No, it's impossible. I happen to know for a fact I'm a demon. It was made very clear to me-" Eri said harshly. She stopped herself from saying anymore in fear of waking Kyojuro. She looked up just make sure she didn't already, and sure enough he was still sleeping.

"Seems like a touchy subject. Why might that be?"

Eri stayed silent which wasn't unusual, but the look she gave Shinobu was different. Usually if Eri was going to answer she would look away or gave a certain look the Shinobu identified as the 'thinking look', but this wasn't that. She had no intentions of answering Shinobu's question, and it was clear. "No." Was all she said before closing her eyes again and pulling the blanket up closer to her face. "I refuse to speak of that subject any further." They could see the tension in her body, and Kyojuro seemed to feel it as he tightened his grip around her. She sighed, and it all fell away. It was as if she'd forgotten they ever had the conversation. Eri turned her body towards Kyojuro's chest, and he seemed to welcome the touch.

Shinobu didn't want to make Eri any more uncomfortable, so she left. Everyone was painfully aware that Eri didn't mind talking about past experiences, but she also knew Eri had never reacted quite like that by a question. Eri didn't see the point in lying, Shinobu knew that. She knew Eri was straightforward, and didn't care much for beating around the bush. Maybe that's why Kyojuro and Eri are so close already. It scared her to believe there was something so dark in her past that even Eri didn't want to speak about it, how bad could it be that she wouldn't even consider giving hints? Was she afraid it'd change their opinion of her? Shinobi didn't understand, and so she was going to speak with Oyakata-sama for guidance on the issue.

Meanwhile, Kyojuro and Eri were both awake, but refused to leave the other's grip. They laid in silence, but each knew the other was awake. Neither tried to hide the fact they were, and so Eri sighed heavily, "Kyojuro-"

"Shh... If you don't want to say anything then don't..." he whispered as he ran his fingers along her spine in a soothing way.

Eri looked up at him with a conflicted expression, "I'm not ready to say... what it is... but you should at least know you don't... know everything about me..." she trailed off not wanting to go any further. He respected her wishes and smiled softly at her. She mimicked it and kissed his chin. It caught him off guard, as she tried to get up and run, but he acted quickly and grabbed her by the wrist. Her expression was playful as stuck her tongue out. He raised his brow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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